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- Fentanyl Patches for Fibromyalgia I h
Patients Fibromyalgia
Fentanyl Patches for Fibromyalgia I h
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It’s been 2.5 years of them trying to figure out what’s wrong with me…. I’ve had so many tests, mri’s, CT’s, blood work, bone density, cortisone injections, pills upon pills ( about 20 a day now), estrogen patches… it never ends! I hurt everywhere and I’m only 55. Non stop back pain, joint pain, chest pain, abdominal pain, numb and tingling limbs, head aches, burning soles of my feet, vision is getting worse by the day. Can’t sleep, brain fog, can’t focus on anything. Since I was introduced to CBD capsules for fibro my life hasn't been the same anymore thanks [This content has been moderated by an administrator]
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Hi everyone was just wondering what type of Pain Patches are the best for helping Fibromyalgia Pain. I have just been taken off the Butrans Patches because I have been on them now for about 7 years and I don't think they are helping me much anymore. So now the Pain Management Doctors are putting me on Fentanyl Patches after I have come off the Butrans for 5 days. Well today is my 4th day and I have been in Agony. I can start the Fentanyl this Wednesday, but I'm a bit worried about it because ive read some of the reviews and some of them are not good.It also said you're not to take them if you have COPD and Asthma, well i have both. But I desperately need some Pain Medication because the pain i am in is driving me mad. Don't know what to do with myself. Can anyone give me a bit of Advice please about Fentanyl. Thanks so much everyone. Wishing you all good health,it's worth more than any amount of money or anything else, except LOVE 🙄.Glojo