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PIP affecting general health issues
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Last activity on 07/10/2020 at 11:39
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1,195 comments posted | 35 in the Crohn's disease Forum
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Hi @mr chipps,
Thanks for opening this discussion. How about posting it also in one of the common discussion groups, like "Good to know", or "Procedures and Paperwork"? I think it can also be of interest to patients with other chronic conditions.
If you have any questions, or need help with the website, please feel free to let me know.
Have a nice day!
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mr chipps
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mr chipps
Last activity on 27/03/2025 at 21:05
Joined in 2015
355 comments posted | 1 in the Crohn's disease Forum
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Please can members relate on this site how much decisions made by their PIP interview has affected their health, either physically, emotions or psychologically/mentally.?
for me it made me angry and to some extent guilty feeingl that the so-called A.TO.S assessor did not take me seriously and in her summation simply assumed that i was just like many thousands of other people ,who may have the same disease or illness that i am living with? also she wrongly assumed that i deal with the symptoms and side effects?
In my opinion the outcome this so called interview had already been decided without me being there. if we look back to last year, a national Television company carried out an undercover investigation and it was proved that this was the case, and that assessors are simply doing the job, to earn large wages, without taking into account each persons symptoms and illness as individuals, but simply cannon fodder.
I believe that the sooner ATOS losses their contract and the whole system is replaced, with a fairer and more caring system, the DWP should revert back to the original DLA system and re- award those who have been ripped off their original assessments and benefits
My assessor in her own words stated that was a registered nurse specialising in Orthopaedics, yet she failed to get my spinal status and gait correct, that is partly why my doctor after a physical examination and deciding that my mobilty is very poor, sent me for an M.R.I, to get an up to date picture of my upper and lumbar spine. because my injury is, over 30 years old.
My last M.R.I was over 10 years ago. and the last X-rays from 3 years ago, for my heart problems show calcification of upper and lower spine, this affects my mobilty, which according to A.TO.S is perfectly normal, but not according to my Doctor, i know who i trust and its not A.TO.S
i would appreciate reading members comments and stories