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Was hospitalised in February then again March this year. A&E are good at giving you the right drugs to level you out. Saline, steroids, antibiotics, iron infusion etc. However getting to see a Gastro consultant that knows what he is doing is another matter. They were to busy to see me but ordered tests, MRI, abdominal scan etc. I was discharged as I was seeing my usual consultant the following week. When I saw him he didn't have all the results, questioned if it was a crohns flare! Said I had all the drugs he could give me and that I had to be refered to a specialist ( thought he was one), as I may need biological medication or an operation. That was mid February and I'm still waiting for an appointment and my tests results! I'm down to 3 precisionle and am getting symptoms back again. Worried to say the least, I don't want to go back to hospital to just be patched up and sent home to get on with things, I really need answers and a plan on what's happening next. I feel so let down and just dumped to the wayside. Anyone have any ideas, was thinking about being referred elsewhere maybe up to St marks as I've heard good things about the care there.

Unregistered member
Was hospitalised in 2015 for around 5 months in total.. main reason being because they didn't know what was wrong. I had to do an extra year of college and was forced to catch up on so much work.. not just that but the difference between being in hospital and at home was really dramatic. Took a very long time to adjust. I wad in and out of hospital a lot, sent home when they believed I was fine, brought back when the pain and sickness was too much... I can't say I wasn't looked after well, cause I was. But the gastro team that looked over me took a long time to make decisions, to get things moving, and even to just come see me.. they'd say they would see me one day, but wouldn't actually turn up till a few days later. Food.. don't even get me started.. I could probably talk al day about my experience.. XD

Unregistered member
Hi ......being thrust into hospital for observations during a flare up is just not helpful, after initial diagnosis way way back and spending 14 weeks in hospital being treated medically, but in a surgical ward for the first two weeks, as there were no medical beds. but it gave me the fight to try and get on top of the disease as i was opposite a young guy who was admitted with crohns disease and underwent op after op as he was toxic......little did i know that 14 years later i would be exactly the same.....but apart from the occasional flare up when there has been a tummy bug around.....and the odd inconvenient stoma problem or mishap ....things are good...i am still in full time work, as healthy as i can be...eat well, gave up smoking, have a fantastic partner, and 2 wonderful sons that i am very proud of
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Crohn's disease can provoque emergency situations when hospitalisation is vital.
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