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Statins' side effects
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Last activity on 10/03/2020 at 13:55
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6 comments posted | 1 in the Cardiovascular diseases Forum
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For me so far so good! I am lucky I guess because I have friends that have left it because it causes pain on their knees or calfs or both... That is why I'm taking it one day at a time, I'm afraid I'll eventualy develop a reaction
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Unregistered member
I had a lot of digestive problems and constant rashes, I left them, now I try more natural stuff. Good that it did work for you Tymothy

Unregistered member
constant rash, stomach aches

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pipsmam do you still take them???

Unregistered member
Tymothy you are soo lucky. I have stomach aches also and the pain on the kees are horrible, my doc says they are normal side effects but I want to stop cause I read it could cause irreversible damage to the muscles...
Last activity on 14/11/2019 at 14:01
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18 comments posted | 2 in the Cardiovascular diseases Forum
I had terrible side effects from all statins. Terrible chest pain and couldn't get out of bed due to that and all the muscle pain in my upper body. I was sent to hospital and saw a consultant who tried me on every cholesterol medication going and nothing worked, I had the same side effects from all of them. My GP told me not to take any more of the prescribed medication due to the pain as she felt if I couldn't get out of bed then I had no quality of life. I tried a fat free diet and stuck to it religiously for weeks and nothing made a difference.
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So how are you coping now mbourdelais???? Do you feel sick??? I also tried a diet and excercise but it does has helped me
Last activity on 14/11/2019 at 14:01
Joined in 2015
18 comments posted | 2 in the Cardiovascular diseases Forum
I don't take any cholesterol medication due to the side effects. Apparently they only decrease the risk by 1%, so as I couldn't get out of bed in the mornings, it wasn't worth me taking it. I have fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, underactive thyroid and a back problem which makes exercise impossible. I already take 14 tablets a day and am grateful that I don't take anymore.
I hope you are coping ok
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I was given statins after I had an heart attack and heart surgery. Blood tests have shown some effects on liver function so they reduced the strength. I have had problems with a reduced kidney function, rashes and joint pain which I believe is down to the statins but the doctor doesn't think so. He didn't come up with an alternative suggestion. When I stopped taking them my symptoms reduced and kidney reading was normal. I now use more holistic approaches to keep cholesteral under control and my veins healthy

Unregistered member
I was given Statins for the first time in March when I had an Angina attack and they discovered my blood pressure was 204 over 147 would you believe. Well, I now have this dreadful rash, which it turns out is Erythrodermic Psoriasis, and Statins are getting the honours for it. My GP thought it was the Beta Blockers as they are not always recommended for Psoriasis suffers, but having been off those for a month with the rash worsening, the Specialist thinks it is the statins rather than the Beta Blockers that are the culprit. He has taken me off them for a month to see if it goes, then if it does, he wants me to go back on them to see if comes back, just to be sure it was the Statins at fault.
Hmm, if it goes in the month, I shall be very loathed to go back on them!!!
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710 comments posted | 5 in the Cardiovascular diseases Forum
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Hello everyone!
We know statins are used for a lot of cardiovascular diseases, but as effective as they can be, they can produce side effects.
Do you take statins? Have you had side effects?
Thanks :D