Patients Cardiovascular diseases
Heart Attack
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710 comments posted | 5 in the Cardiovascular diseases Forum
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Hello everyone!!!
Does anyone has some advice for Pacman???
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I had a heart attack 2and a half years ago and then found out had to have a triple heart bypass. I was told about depression after the op but I thought that was just a temporary thing. Doesn't seem like it is as I can still have down days and can be highly sensitive. In addition I have some memory loss which gets me down as well. I worry at every twinge that it is all going to happen again.
I don't know if your experiences are similar I take each days as it comes and stay as positive as I can. I also practice yoga and meditation which helps.

Unregistered member
My father had some help with the emotional aspect of his heart attack. One thing I remember his counsellor getting him to do, was identify just what he was feeling, and what he was frightened off.
In his case, it was fear of another heart attack - obvious, but not always the main reason for emotional problems apparently. In some cases it can be fear of leaving people behind, fear of not being able to work so failing family, fear of having to stop an activity that is important to you or several other things. In my father's case, that fear was causing him to be irritable and frustrated, anxious, to lose his self-confidence, and to be depressed.
Once the individual elements of the emotional upset were identified and the root cause, the actual fear identified, he was able to work on his fear and in turn, on the things the fear was causing.
Not sure if this helps at all, but it did help Dad.
Last activity on 17/12/2019 at 11:09
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i had heart attack nstme minor last march had 70 stenosis had stent put in my pci lad. I changed life sytle and more excercise.
Lucky have no damage heart muscle. In stemi heart damaged.
If do cardiac rehab programme they offer you help emotional side good links on British heart foundation site.
I found keep positive not end world not like years ago now we have alot support help there if needed.
Good luck Everyone
Anyone wants chat further message me good share experiences

Unregistered member
Hi,I had a Stroke december 2012,then a heart attack in March 2014.I had a triple by pass in August 2014.Since my bypass I have become more depressed.I am unable to exercise due to other disabilities and find it hard to cope.I use meditation techniques also and find they do help but have to use them daily.Wishing you all well xx
Last activity on 19/01/2025 at 11:11
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1 comment posted | 1 in the Cardiovascular diseases Forum
I had a number of heart attacks over the period of one week in March 2013 and another last October but that was cause by a car accident. I can tell you get over memory loss but I did have to relearn how to do some of my crafts. I am now at the stage that I dont worry about every little twinge and have a lot longer period of time when I am not watching myself.
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Carmel Lyons
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Last activity on 24/03/2025 at 21:17
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617 comments posted | 6 in the Cardiovascular diseases Forum
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My wife had three silent heart attacks and COPD, asthmatic, auto immune diseases etc. some years ago. What we have done to resolve the issue is for both us and NHS to monitor her heart closely. Using an array of equipment and regular observation we are now confidently prevented further heart attacks and she is living well beyond the five years the Doctors gave her. We still have scares and various blue light A&E emergencies not for heart but now her lungs and auto-immune issues. But now we monitor all her issues, looking for sudden weight gains, swelling, blood pressure, SP02, heart rate etc. trying to avoid further events. Our biggest concern at this time is Flu and heavy colds etc. we have stayed in for months avoiding exposure. Even banning family when they are ill but clearly any of these normal winter diseases will kill her!
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15/05/2018 | Advice
After a heart attack, it is necessary to resume doing sport or to start doing it
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8 comments posted | 1 in the Cardiovascular diseases Forum
I had two Heart Attacks in 2012 and I have not been the same person since. I am curious as to how other's cope with the psychological aspects of such a condition?
I need help!