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Physical activity as a treatment
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Unregistered member
I started doing some low impact stuff, like cardio on a bike and yoga, cause the doctor said I had to loose weight before doing more intense things like dancing or runing because I could hurt my knees cause I had lot of weight. Now I've droped some weight and I am starting to go to some zumba classes. I love them
So I do think sports are a good treatment, but as my GP says, it has to be combiend with a healthy diet, if not you can't go too far

Unregistered member
Regular walking, particularly brisk walk is very beneficial. Static Bike, Cross Trainer and swimming are all very good exercises. Yoga, Zumba, aerobics Aqua Fit are also very beneficial. All exercises are very important. Not every one, due to age or medical condition are able to do those kind of exercises, but any form of movements rather than sitting for too long is better than no exercises. There are a lot of chair exercises or exercises for seniors, available on line. For able persons, Dancing is a good exercise. There are a lot of Dance classes available, also Tea Dances. Its a great way of getting the exercise and of course socialise, which lifts the mood and makes you feel better. FatAmmy is very right. Healthy diet is very important. Less red meat, plenty of pulses, legumes, fresh fruits and green veges, oats etc should be included in the daily diet.
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15/05/2018 | Advice
After a heart attack, it is necessary to resume doing sport or to start doing it
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710 comments posted | 5 in the Cardiovascular diseases Forum
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What kind of physical activity do you do to keep your condition controled? Does it work? Do you have any advice?
Thanks for sharing!