

The effects of laxatives may provide new clues concerning Parkinson's disease

Published 26 May 2016

The effects of laxatives may provide new clues concerning Parkinson's disease
In a recent retrospective analysis, investigators discovered that the year-on-year increase in rigidity found in Parkinson's disease flattened off with the regular use of laxatives to manage constipation.
The findings lend support to previous research indicating that changes in the gut--and perhaps an imbalance in the microbes that reside there--may affect aspects of Parkinson's disease. The group is planning further research to confirm the precise mechanisms involved.
"That the apparent effect of regular laxatives appeared in those who had never received drugs for Parkinson's disease points to modification of an underlying disease process," said Dr John Dobbs, co-lead author of the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology analysis. "Different aspects of Parkinson's disease may, of course, have different drivers," added co-lead author Dr Sylvia Dobbs. "For example, our controlled trial of eradicating Helicobacter from the stomach showed a beneficial effect on the diminished movement characteristic of Parkinson's disease."


Unregistered member
on 30/05/2016

How very interesting Gilda. I have parkinsons and suffer a lot of rigity when I am 'off' Thanks for this. I will keep my ear to the ground

Unregistered member
on 31/05/2016

This is interesting thanks. Have had Parkinson's 3 years and in Jan was disgnposed coeliac.

am on patches as tablets upset stomach , have ibs .

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