LOL It's a miserable feeling isn't it? I'm up now...not dressed or showered yet, just drinking my cuppa. Giving the meds time to kick in {I hope}
I've got a long day. Should be a good day if I can get going. Hairdressers first. I find it very difficult to wash my hair now so as often as possible its a blow dry. Then there is a "Thank you Volunteers Day" at a very nice hotel. Not sure what's happening?? They are keeping it fairly secret. Sorry this is the Arthritis Care Branch I volunteer for. All I know is Team Building exercise ugghhhh!!! don't like those then there is something?? then lunch and after that until 3pm I haven't a clue.....I know we get goodie bags?? Should be interesting. Peter is taking me and picking me up so at least I don't have to drive.
Tomorrow I was supposed to be volunteering but have cancelled that. Started at 10am, and finish at 4pm and that doesn't count driving there and back Too long. especially since we are going away with them at 8am Fri morning until Mon night and it takes me ages to pack even for a short time.
Hope your day is good