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Patients Psoriasis
which treatment is the best?
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Unregistered member
i have suffered with psoriasis most of my life, mostly just on my elbows and knees and any cuts or injuries i get seem to be affected by it to, just this last year it has started to spread, any help would be greatly appreciated, have probably tried most things over the years and nothing seems to work for long xx
Last activity on 07/01/2021 at 14:22
Joined in 2015
5 comments posted | 4 in the Psoriasis Forum
Hello mine is on my face and chest I use dorbavet think its called that and it helps with it takes a couple of days to work after applying but in the past I had it in spots all over my body and face I had phototherapy I think if that's were you go in what looks like a sun bed you stand up in and that cleared it up for a couple of years but then it came back I tried to get back to have it again but it's that full now it's going be a few years before I can get it repeated
Last activity on 03/05/2022 at 18:05
Joined in 2015
4 comments posted | 1 in the Psoriasis Forum
I now take methotrexate once a week i have suffered for 26 yrs with it many of these being hospitalised at least once a year habe tried all the lotions and potions . Crude coal tar works well for me until i went on methotrexate which has kept it at bay for 2years now did have a minor flare up due to family stress over xmas used cocois on it and it nearly back clear again now
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Unregistered member
hi I'm covered head to toe in psoriasis ...I've now gone onto ciclospron !! after years and years of trying every potion ..lotion ..diet ..steriod cream ..light therapy ...when I couldn't have anymore light therapy ..I went on to methotrexate that didnt work for me ...so now I've just started on ciclospron !!! Fingers crossed this medicine starts to work or at least gives me a bit of a break ...I let you all know how it goes because I'm covered head to toe ..fingernails to and toenails !! Face ..ears ..and even in my right eye !! has ciclospron worked for anyone else ? :)

Unregistered member
hi I am covered from head to toe and tried all the lotions and potions to none worked then tried cyclosporine and then methotrexate none of them improved it but they stopped it from getting any worse. I then was put on the injections and it went away mostly but I was always poorly so after ten amazing months of freedom I was taken off them and its back and worse than ever. can't wait to go back on them when I see my dermatologist next month. I have a friend of a friend that is on cyclosporine and it works for him but mine is much more severe than his is so I guess that's the only reason it didn't work for me.

Unregistered member
Dear all
I am currently suffering with redness on my face due to psoriasis - it is on my fore head near eyesbrows, on the top of my cheeks. I use dovobet gel for my elbows which is effective. I put small amounts on my face which isn't recommended.
Are there any effective products I could try for my face?
Many thanks

Unregistered member
I'm having phototherapy (the uvb type) and it's been working excellent, I can only recommend it, after a few weeks of treatment I can hardly notice any pso any longer on myself. If any of you would like to know more, I'd be happy to share. I've been in treatment at a hospital, but I've come to the conclusion that in the long term I should settle for treatment at home. Have a great day.

Unregistered member
My psoriasis is really dry at the moment, and I am currently on steroid cream and an emollient. I have just been taken of Doublebase gel and put on Aveeno! I was surprised as having seen it advertised on TV by Jenifer Aniston, I didn't realise it was available on prescription. I am supposed to apply 3 times daily and as I am covered at the moment, don't think the 500ml bottle will last long, particularly as it is hard to squeeze with arthritic hands. Note to self - ask for the pump container next time!
I used to have light treatment, but two Melanomas put paid to that. I have had Dovobet, Dithrocream, Dermovate and Betnovate - back on Betnovate with the Aveeno at the moment.
I get it in my nails and on my scalp. The only thing that helps my scalp is Alphosyl shampoo. T-gel didn't work for me, but Alphosyl keeps me fairly clear on my scalp. If I have to use a beauty shampoo for more than twice, back it comes.
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Unregistered member
Hello everyone,
How is your psoriasis treated? Do you have a topical or systemic treatment or maybe phototherapy? And is it working for you?
Pleas feel free to share your experience here.
All the best,