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Life with fibromyalgia
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Unregistered member
Im also concerned that a lot of people think this is a mental illness.

Unregistered member
Hi Jood123, I've had fibromyalgia for too many years plus many other health problems and unfortunately this has led to frustration, deep depression, anxiety, stress etc and now on anti depressants, there's no doubt this is an evil illness which does get us all down needing the support of others suffering in the same way to help each other through the bad times. Hope your having pain free day as possible xx

Unregistered member
Hi Madnan, thank you for replying. This condition is so painful and I'm currently waiting for my rheumatologist to get the results from some blood tests before he decides which pain relief to give me. I just wonder if anyone else struggles with getting up and going to work. I'm keen to keep working as I think I'd go stir crazy at home, plus I've now reduced my hours to part time, which is quite a financial struggle. Are there any sort of benefits you can claim? Im really quite ignorant about all this. I see that some people have flares up but Im never pain free, just some days are marginally easier. I do try to keep positive and keep smiling.

Unregistered member
Hello Jood123, sorry your still waiting for pain killers, once you can control some of the pain with meds really hope you will get some relief and feel better. Unfortunately I have other major health issues and after running my own successful business for many many yrs I had to give in and close the doors 6yrs ago which was devastating. regarding benefits the best place to start is probably citizens advice bureau when they can point you in right direction.
I do have terrible problems getting up in morning but I have elderly parents living nearby who I check on every morning making me get myself motivated.
btw I'm not all doom and gloom, I too try and stay positive, enjoy chatting and having a laugh also great sense of humour.
let me know how you get on, please take care and hope your having a pain free day as possible xx
Last activity on 06/11/2024 at 19:21
Joined in 2015
9 comments posted | 4 in the Living with fibromyalgia group
Good morning all. Is it just me or does this happen to you. I can be just be walking along and my leg gives way from below me, scary. I get up most of the time and my feet are so painful they don't want to move. More frequently now I get numbness and pins and needles down the sides of my hands and legs when just sitting properly...strange. Does this happen to anyone else. My hands tend to go into spasm too preventing me to type now. This illness fibromyalgia is driving us slowly insane because one ailment goes for a bit and then something else appears! Gosh glad I'm blessed with a good sense of humour as this is tested often. x
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Last activity on 24/03/2016 at 12:04
Joined in 2015
16 comments posted | 13 in the Living with fibromyalgia group
In to my third week of no relief in my FM pains. It doesn't seem to matter what I take the pains in my hips and shoulders are dreadful; I am blaming the damp weather. I have stopped taking amitriptyline over the past few nights, as it is not helping me sleep and I have put on a stone in weight. I do feel more awake during the daytime which is nice!
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Last activity on 29/08/2019 at 12:16
Joined in 2015
2 comments posted | 2 in the Living with fibromyalgia group
Hi all, im Jill, 52 years old and was diagnosed with fibro about 6 years ago, I was also diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica about a year and half ago, was on prednisolone for nearly a year until I became steroid toxic! I have had various meds for fibro, gabapentin, sent me loopy, cymbalta (duluxetine?) came off after ending up in A and E with plummeting bp, currently back on amitryptyline and cocodamol for pain, but not really cutting it tbh, until last month I was the carer of my 30 yr old son, who has bipolar and borderline personality disorder, and chronic pancreas problems, type1 diabetes and kidney disease, he suddenly decuded to up and leave, with no warning so im niw living on my own,( I ended my marriage 18 months ago) however I have my lovely daughter, son in law and 4 grandchildren living just 5 minutes away and they have been my salvation, I am very housebound and in intense pain most days, I keep thinking about claiming pip but am so worried about the assessment, anyway think ive burbled long enough for an intro, look forward to chatting xx
Last activity on 24/03/2016 at 12:04
Joined in 2015
16 comments posted | 13 in the Living with fibromyalgia group
I came of Tramadol because of the heavy sweating, my very hair was soaking wet, I am on Palexia now and the sweating is not as bad, but is still annoying at times.
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Unregistered member
Hello Jill welcome to this group, I'm fairly new too so trying to find my way round. I'm mostly housebound too with pain and depression from all health issues. My family live close but they are all very busy. I'm married but my husband really struggles with me like this and prefers to be out of the house, but I do have some very good friends living near also good friends online. I have good sense of humour and enjoy chatting, I also like making cards when I'm up to it lol xx
Last activity on 29/08/2019 at 12:16
Joined in 2015
2 comments posted | 2 in the Living with fibromyalgia group
Hi "madnan" thank you for the welcome, I too am suffering from depression, which I guess is understandable with this wretched fibro! I have moved house a fair bit over the last 3 years, so ive left friends behind, ( moved right away from areas ) however it is much better for me to be close to my daughter and her family, we are very close, my depression has been worsened by the behaviour of my son, he has devastated me, I gave up so much to care for him and he has behaved very badly toward his sister and myself, but I spose we will move on from that! Its very difficult now im on my own, with the fibro, trying to cope with day to day living. Im sure you know how it is! I try to do furniture up cycling and decoupage, although not as much as I would like, I too like a good laugh, hope to chat to you some more , jill x
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Last activity on 01/01/2025 at 14:00
Joined in 2015
3 comments posted | 3 in the Living with fibromyalgia group
Hi I have Fibromyaliga and would like to talk to people and help if I can with any thing about fibromyaliga