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- COVID-19 vaccine: What do you think?
COVID-19 vaccine: What do you think?
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Last activity on 31/07/2024 at 09:28
Joined in 2016
176 comments posted | 68 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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That's awful Hayley, so sorry to hear about your many problems and hope they are sorting things out for you.
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Pamela Greatorex

Unregistered member
So sorry to hear that. Hayley. Which vaccine did you have. Please can you shed a light ion it? How soon after the vaccine all this happened? have you been told that it is all as a result of the vaccine. Would be grateful if you would be so kind to share this information. Sincerely hope it all gets sorted. Best wishes to you.

Unregistered member
the nurse,surgeon and breast clinic not surprised at all
they obviously not going to say as a direct result but only a few weeks after my jab it all started I had the Pfizer one
too many coincidences and I’ve since read up and lots of women having problems ie with monthly’s and hot sweats etc

Unregistered member
Thank you Hayley
Of course no one will be willing to admit that it could be the direct result of the vaccine, but the fact is that you had the problems you never had for 10 years and suddenly appeared after the vaccine, tells you something , doesn't it? I developed severe headaches 8 days after i had my 2nd AZ vaccine in April. I was taken to A&E where I had a CT scan of my head to rule out the clots and blood tests. They were all negative. But then in Aug. I was diagnosed as having Autoimmune disease Polymyalgia and Temporal Arteritis Rheumatica and i am now on large doses of Oral steroids which I have to take for 2 years. I had read that the vaccine can cause autoimmune disease. I wonder if mine is as a result of the vaccine or mere co incidence. I will never know. Tomorrow I am due to have Booster dose. I believe all booster doses are Pfizer. I must say I am a little worried.

Unregistered member
A lot of my daughters friends are experiencing problems with periods etc
I wish I’d waited I’ve had to have 3 procedures that were painful so 3 different hormonal experiences since the jab I wonder?! I think I know
hence not letting my son have it yet
and had terrible pmt symptoms

Unregistered member
I am truly worried now about tomorrow. There is a medical person there to answer all your questions. So I am going to have a chat before i have it.. My son had AZ but the Booster dose was Pfizer. he works for the NHS and helps with the vaccination service. Has all the data of people having side effects etc and attends weekly meetings on Zoom. He assures me that it is safe. Thanks you for communicating with me. Wish me good luck for tomorrow.

Unregistered member
you will be fine keep in touch x
no one knows the true side effects or long term effects I don’t care what they say!

Unregistered member
Thank you Hayley. I hope I will be fine.. I will have a good chat with the medical person first before I have the vaccine. Its because I am on high dose of Steroids my immune system is already compromised. That is he reason i am most worried about. I will keep in touch.
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Last activity on 10/03/2025 at 23:27
Joined in 2015
118 comments posted | 21 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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Do these people never cross the road, walk the pavements, stroke a dog, cat, baby. Life is full of !perceived dangers!
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Unregistered member
i had a good chat with the medic,, and he convinced me. that the Covid booster vaccine is not live, and he advised me to go ahead with the booster jab to protect against my immunocompromised system, which would give me good protection against catching Covid. So its done. I had Pfizer Booster dose yesterday. Apart from the mild arm ache I am fine so far. Will go head with the Flu Vaccine tomorrow.
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Last activity on 13/10/2022 at 16:47
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1,280 comments posted | 103 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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Hello everyone,
How are you today?
The pharmaceutical groups Pfizer (USA) and BioNTech (Germany) announced on Monday 9 November that their vaccine candidate is 90% "effective" in preventing Covid-19 infections, according to preliminary results of their large-scale phase 3 trial, which is still ongoing.
What do you think about this? Do you plan to be vaccinated as soon as the COVID-19 vaccine is on the market?
Feel free to discuss and share in the comments below!
Take care,