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- 7 Tips to manage MS during wintertime
7 Tips to manage MS during wintertime
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Last activity on 18/02/2025 at 19:40
Joined in 2015
10 comments posted | 6 in the Research and useful tips - Multiple Sclerosis group
I often use crutches so too much bulk around my arms isn't helpful. Also excessive heat can sneak up on me making me feel like ripping layers off! What I find works best is nice, warm puffa sleeveless jacket, warm jumper, T-shirt, fave trousers, fave socks, fave vegan DM-like boots (I have a few pairs!)...oh and fingerless mitts/gloves with palm grips. Da-daaa!
For drinks I stick with water all year round. I have my own selection of bottles for special/stylish occasions. Invent your style to suit your needs ?
all year round.
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In summer we posted an article on managing MS during heatwaves, with tips on how to cool down the temperature around to avoid a flare.
Now, with the hot days long over, and the autumn warmness giving way to morning frost, icy winds and grey skies, it is time to talk about managing MS in the winter.
We've gathered some tips that can be helpful to you during the long winter months, and that you can adapt to your symptoms and to your everyday life with MS. Do not forget to consult your doctor as usual, and to discuss with them any alterations to your everyday MS management.
1. Invest in warm clothes
It is important to stay warm and avoid viruses, therefore you need good-quality winter outfit - a coat, boots, a hat and gloves. You can also use hand warmers, and warming pads, whether you are inside or outside. You can add an extra layer of warmth to the affected muscles. For example, if you have spasticity in your lower body, you might benefit from wearing an added layer on your legs (long underwear or leggings), even if it’s only cold enough for light layers on top.
2. However, make sure not to overheat yourself.
As discussed in the article on MS and hot weather, an increase in body temprerature can cause aggravation of MS symptoms.
3. Track your symptoms
Make note of any seasonal changes you experience with your MS. It is important to keep your doctor aware of any changes in symptoms. Also, your doctor may suggest adjustments to your symptom management regimen during the cold weather months to combat certain issues, depending on your symptoms.
4. Be careful with the fluids
With the winter weather comes hot beverages. Coffee, tea, and other hot drinks can be great to warm you from the inside out, but the caffeine can also contribute to bladder problems for some. Also, you will experience the need to go to the bathroom more often, if you consume a lot of liquids.
5. Special shoes
Always select shoes with good tread, especially if you have trouble with balance and/or mobility. Having the ‘appropriate’ style of shoe for an outfit or occasion is not as important as getting to that occasion safely.
6. Impact on medication
Plan trips outdoors to begin 30 – 90 minutes after taking your medication, when it should be at peak effect. If you will not be back indoors before your next dose, make certain to take it with you and take it on time.
7. Fight the depression
Winter time can be causing seasonal depression for those who usually don't suffer from one, and worsen depression for those who experience it as MS symptom. You can try doing more activities, and having more social engagements. If this does not help, your doctor may suggest light therapy, the same treatment used for SAD, which involves the use of indoor lighting that simulates sunlight and is typically done at home.
All in all, if you plan your winter ahead, get warm enough but not too much, be watchful of your symptoms and try to keep away stress and depression, everything will be fine!
Let us know if you have your own tips for coping with MS during winter time.
For example, what do you do to be in a good mood during winter?
How cold does it get where you live and how do you manage to stay warm?