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Is migraine hereditary? 🧬
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540 comments posted | 2 in the Migraine Forum
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Hello everyone, how are you doing today?
Recent studies suggest that migraine tends to run in families, and having a biological parent with migraine may increase your risk by 50% to 75%. However, no single gene determines whether someone will develop migraine; instead, a combination of genetic and lifestyle factors comes into play.
Do you have a family history of migraine, and how do you think it has influenced your condition?
@Lorkinn @L1ndyl0u @tracey70 @jellybeanie @deedees @becky1970 @Taraven @Lizzie @sitchie @carriespain @annie o @tinkerjack1912 @emmatart1 @pete55 @asthmasucks! @crystalpaquette @Filthgrinder @LadyAnj @suz1212 @RhianonT @Cianolan @ladysadie @hackie54 @Jacqui65 @Jo Mc1971 @Fezziwig15 @beryl50 @merlinsmidwife @Squidge @Sunshine56 @thelicencee @jack.nisbet @queenie85 @uschifibro @Joreid @Thumper327 @Karen3 @Juneyred @MorganMistwalker @DavidI @Bunnyhollow @Tracy-mack @Stormy @Amanda68 @jinty1968 @Tree_eee @maria68 @Paula112 @MrsRey @Domino44 @pinkrose @Dilubylu @moomin69 @glynisT @carolina @Sickofpain @Tigger.co.uk @Hazeld @beccam43 @Janeyrobs @lizzard @Julieanne8 @Bunnyleech1127gmail @jimbob1956 @Salstar @Walgreens @AishahB135 @Phionna @VeganNation @Chirambo123 @Hannahlaidi @iranic @Nanakt @Sarah-Anne @SarahMH @Tamigz @ChristineB92 @jamesglenn39 @HelsBels77 @Kat666
Let’s share our experiences and thoughts on the hereditary nature of migraine and how understanding this connection might help us better manage this challenging condition.
Looking forward to your insights!
Take care,
Somya from the Carenity Team 🌼