In this group you will find articles and news on medical breakthroughs concerning Lupus and you can share the information you find useful and interesting for patients with lupus.
Patients Lupus
Medical fact sheet
Medical fact sheet - article
Research and useful tips - Lupus
Last comment: 15/11/2016
22/11/2024 | Nutrition
Lupus diet and meal planning: Tanya’s top tips to reduce inflammation and manage symptoms
03/11/2023 | Testimonial
Lupus: "We didn’t choose lupus, but we CAN choose our journey"
23/08/2023 | Testimonial
Dietitian Tanya helps the Lupus community to reduce their symptoms with diet and healthy living.
10/05/2023 | Advice
How does the sun affect lupus?
10/05/2022 | News
8 most common stereotypes about lupus!
29/03/2021 | News
Lupus: How is it diagnosed and how to interpret test results?
09/04/2020 | News
Plaquenil as a Treatment for COVID-19: What are the Consequences for Chronic Patients?
05/09/2018 | Testimonial
Diagnosed with Lupus Nephritis at 21