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- Talking Therapies, have you done CBT or ACT?
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Talking Therapies, have you done CBT or ACT?
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Unregistered member
22/01/2023 at 20:49
Well in terms of help CBT it will possibly help with the negative thoughts associated with fibro however it won't get rid of the pain but rather put you on a path to accept it which in itself would be beneficial. everybody is different so it may work for you going down that route and it's a cheaper alternative to all the meds so? Ultimately the decision is yours ..........
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I am looking into various talking therapies, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). Has anyone done these? What was it like-just a bunch of woowoo talking or did it actually help? I always thought it was a waste of time but I'm starting to think more about it but want to know if it is worth the time