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Focal Dystonia: waiting for another brain scan
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Last activity on 13/12/2020 at 12:40
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34 comments posted | 15 in the Dystonia Forum
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@Bjacko Hello,
That does seem like it could be focal dystonia. Do you have any other symptoms other than the back spasms? One of my initial symptoms was back spasms too.
Don't be frightened, we have all been there and I find the botox injections available have really helped me. Let us know how the scan goes and best of luck
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@Bjacko To echo @Cervicaldystonia , please let us know how the scan goes. I hope you can get a diagnosis soon and go forward with a treatment to better manage it.
You can rate your medication by clicking here, other members have not rated methocarbamol yet but you could be the first :)
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Last activity on 04/03/2025 at 20:32
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I suffer with PTSD trauma depression and I get panic attacks if i am frightened of anything which i end up getting a really tight feeling in my chest and it like a knot tightening but I use a ,trinate spray as the symptoms bring on my angina I take two puffs under my tongue and just rest so my chest lostends and relieves the tightness I also take asprin in the morning so it helps me in the day as I have low blood flow to my heart and I have been diagnosed with angina last week I had to go to hospital A E they put a saline drip in my arm and did blood tests to check also they did and ecg as they thought it was a heart attack but the tests came back that it was angina by a cardiologist so she gave me another spray to take home with me
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Last activity on 03/01/2021 at 11:10
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Hi Tigger, i too have P.T.S.D..Get so very depressed. When I get nervous or worried about anything i just go all to pieces. I have Fibromyalgia and stress makes my pain get so much worse. Anxiety is much more worse than stress. Anxiety will effect every part of your body. I actually shake with the pain, have a job to speak,.Don't want to see anybody, can't think properly. My Neurologist told me I had P.T.S.D..I said I thought only War Veterans, or people that had gone through traumatic events suffered with P.T.S.D. But he asked me if i was a worrier and if I had gone through certain things in my life. I said YES, and he said that was the cause of me being like i am ,He diagnosed, me with Fibromyalgia plus P.T.S.D..HE told me the 2 conditions were linked. That was nearly 10 years ago and I still get the same pain and panic attacks. I know the trinitrate spray will help the pain in the chest,because I use it. I have 2 heart valve's that aren't working, i also have Angina plus raynard's Syndrome. The Spray will help these problems.,but what about the Anxiety and panic attacks. Please don't use your Spray every time you get stressed out, because the tightness in your chest could be because of your stress and not your Angina. Then when your pain is Angina, the spray won't help you so much It's a vicious circle. So please take care BYE for now. Glojo
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Last activity on 04/03/2025 at 20:32
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Thank you for the lovely message, Glojo.it was very helpful it is hard to difference the two I do get very upset when I here of people getting hurt or seeing women in violent relationships because then I remember how I was and how that left me now I am feeling nervous as I have to go for an high intense CT scan on my lungs I just hope my cancer hasn't spread because I know what my poor mother went through when she had lung cancer it's bad enough to have to wait nine years for my all clear on my breast cancer so Im really worried about it spreading to other parts of my body I have gone one yr clear so fingers crossed it hasn't gone to my lungs I have been given another inhaler to go with the others and I do try to do my breathing exercises so now I have mad myself worse with my anxiety, but love and hugs and thank you your friend tiggs9
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Last activity on 03/01/2021 at 11:10
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Hi Tigger, a little message to let you know, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you for when you have your scan. I know it's no good to say(Don't Worry) because you wouldn't be human if you didn't. Life is sometimes absolute shit. I feel so very uptight as well. I had an M R C P .scan a few days ago because when I was in hospital a few weeks ago with a suspected stroke, i had 2 M.R.Is and 1 C.T.scan.They said i had an enlarged liver, blocked bile duct, gallstones, cyst on the pancreas, etc. Could be pancreatic cancer. My Mum passed away with pancreatic cancer when she was the same age as me. BLESS HER. i loved her so much. Anyway Tigger we are both in a shit situation, so what we'll do is keep our fingers crossed for each other, and if only 1 of us gets the ALL CLEAR. I hope you get it. I'm sick of living a life of constant pain and i am not afraid of dying, i am more afraid of living. So keep your chin up Tigger and TRY to think Positive if you can. I'll be thinking of you and say a little prayer for you. Goodnight God Bless and fingers crossed. Glojo xx.
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Last activity on 13/12/2020 at 12:40
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@Bjacko @Tigger.co.uk @GLOJO1 How are you all? I'm not feeling the best today...
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Last activity on 04/03/2025 at 20:32
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Hi glojo I shall treasure your words thank you and I really hope everything goes well for you to so I shall keep you in my heart thoughts and prayers God bless you ,you take care and I hope you feel better today I am trying to stay positive but I just hope and pray it hasn't spread to my lungs because like you I lost my mum to lung cancer and I'm not only worried about me but my daughter to as she has had skin cancer twice now she has to have Hysteroscopy so I'm praying she will be ok because she is only 44 I'm different I'm 65 I have had my life she hasn't bless her well love hugs prayers are with you take care love tiggs
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Last activity on 03/01/2021 at 11:10
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Hi Tigger, how are you doing. Have you had your scan yet,? Hope so, its nerve wracking when you are waiting for tests like that, then we have to wait for the results 🤔.its nail biting. Please don't say you've already had your life, you're only 65 and I'm praying for you that you're gonna have a lot more good years ahead of you. How is your Daughter going on. I know you're worried about her as well. Hope she's been keeping out of the Sun,or at least been putting a high factor suncream on. My Husband has skin cancer. 3 years ago he had to have a large tumour removed from his neck. I bought him a Factor 50 suncream and every time he goes out into the garden I says PUT YOUR B....Y SUNCAP ON. He's got some cream called HYDROMOL off the Doctor because it's started to break out on his forehead and cheek.. I hope to God that it doesn't go any further, because you know how it can spread If your Daughter
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Last activity on 03/01/2021 at 11:10
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Hi Tigger, how are you doing. Have you had your Scan yet?. Hope so.I know how nerve wracking it is waiting for these tests, then waiting for the results.🤔.Its nail biting. Please don't say you've already had your life, you're only 65 and I'm praying that you've got a lot of many GOOD YEARS ahead of you.How is your Daughter getting on. I know you've been worried about her as well. My Husband has Skin Cancer. 3 years ago he had a large tumour removed from out of his neck.Now it seems to be coming back on his right cheek and forehead. I bought him a Factor 50 Nivea Sunscreen and every time he goes out into the garden I says to him PUT YOUR B....Y SUNCAP ON..SO I'm worried about him Hope your Daughter is keeping out of the Direct Sun.or at least putting a high Factor SUNCREAM on..I know when you're younger it's nice to have a SUNTAN and we don't always think of the consequences in our later years. I didn't, I used to stay in the sun for hours, can't do it now mind. Tigger,...My HUSBAND'S G.P gave him some cream called HYDROMOL for his SKIN CANCER. It does seem to be easing things up for him.. If your Daughter's skin problem starts up, tell her to ask her Doctor for some of this cream. Will finish for now, this is the 2nd message i tried to text you this morning. I don't know what happened to the other one. I just lost it. HA.HA.HA. I'm rubbish on the internet. Anyway........Now you take care and don't forget. THINK POSITIVE, we have to. Love Glojo x
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Last activity on 27/02/2025 at 07:59
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I had this in my right hand first of all 9 years ago and have managed quite well.This was due to stress or not being able to write properly.No-one seems to know what occurred 1st.A brain scan showed spotting on the left hand side of the brain.This latest episode was brought on by stress and began with a sore back.I had lots of physio/massage which brought me some relief. I then had steroid injections and this seemed to settle things down. However, now i have to endure severe lower back spasming which can see me doubled over and extreme jerks.I am out of breath at the slightest walking distance and find myself diving for the nearest chair to get sat down.I am currently waiting for result of another brain scan and i have resumed taking methocarbamol.