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Unregistered member
I have always had problems, having to ask to prepare special meals on friend's houses and not eating all typical teenage stuff with my friends. But I have learned a lot of recipes that I would like to share later with the rest.
It is not easy but it is doable, and in fact now a days we have more ingredients and choices.
Unregistered member
It is true! Is not easy but it is geting better, and now there is a lot of info about the harms gluten does that is driving people to leave gluten without being intolerant, so it is good cause we have more options now. I would love to see your recipes betsoo, I already shared one
Last activity on 11/11/2021 at 10:42
Joined in 2015
I would love you to share these recipes as Im always looking for new ones. It would be a great help!
Unregistered member
I'm a parent of a coeliac &t1 lad, he likes to try and eat like his friends but feels so frustrated at times. I've become a super baker and try to always find alternative recipes, I have to anyway as I'm lactose intolerant. Things can be interesting for sure..
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Last activity on 03/02/2023 at 15:26
Joined in 2015
710 comments posted | 1 in the Celiac disease Forum
Good Advisor
Hey guys,
We know now a days there are more options for celiacs, but it is still not as developed as we would like. How do you cope with that?
All the best,