Anorexia Forum

  •  39 members
  •  5 discussions

Start discussions in this group about the condition that affects you. Share your experience on your quality of life, the impact of treatments and practical tips with the community.

Patients Anorexia

Medical fact sheet


 Living with anorexia, bulimia or other eating disorders

whats wrong with my body

avatar Courtney_J

 Living with anorexia, bulimia or other eating disorders

What is with my body

avatar Courtney_J

 Living with anorexia, bulimia or other eating disorders

How to improve our relationship with food?

avatar Courtney_J

avatar _Luna_

avatar ahern6

 Living with anorexia, bulimia or other eating disorders

Supporting one another in eating disorder recovery

avatar Courtney_J

 Living with anorexia, bulimia or other eating disorders

Strategies for managing eating disorder thoughts

avatar _Luna_

avatar Dominic777

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