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Physical exercise as treatment
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Last activity on 17/03/2022 at 10:26
Joined in 2015
30 comments posted | 22 in the Ankylosing spondylitis Forum
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Yoga helps, but I can't do all positions, it is a bit tricky, but I thin it is mostly the relaxation I feel that helps me a lot
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Last activity on 17/03/2022 at 10:26
Joined in 2015
30 comments posted | 22 in the Ankylosing spondylitis Forum
Good Advisor
About this discussion... on the same site as my other comment, I found this info that might be helpfull
Exercise tips
ankylosing-spondylitis-arthritis-inflammation-effects-increase-with-physically-demanding-workFor many ailments, resting in bed is generally the go-to recommendation. But for those living with ankylosing spondylitis, laying still in bed and resting can worsen symptoms. Therefore, it’s important to exercise and keep moving.
Exercises should focus on the back, chest, and limbs. but be mindful and know your limits – overdoing it can cause more pain. Here are some useful exercises for those with ankylosing spondylitis:
Stand with your back flat against the wall. Slowly put your head into the wall, but do not tilt it forward. Hold for five seconds, release, and repeat.
Stand with feet shoulder width apart and place your hands on your waist. Turn your upper body as if you are looking to the side, but feet are still pointing ahead. Hold this position, release, and repeat. Make sure you do this on both sides and focus on your breathing.
Lay on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the ground. Place your hands on your ribs and breathe deeply so your ribs are pushing against your hands. Then place your hands on your chest and repeat.
Lay on your stomach, looking straight ahead, hands by your side. Raise one leg up and opposite arm up out in front at the same time and hold. Release. Switch arms and legs and repeat. When you’re laying on your stomach with hands by your side, attempt to raise your chest, shoulders, and head, but keep the legs on the ground.
On you hands and knees, lift your opposite leg and arm and extend out. Hold this position, release, and switch sides.
Exercises to avoid ankylosing spondylitis
Although exercise can benefit patients with ankylosing spondylitis, some exercises should be avoided as they can cause more harm than good. Such activities include step aerobics, running, heavy weight lifting, kick boxing, burpees, cross training, jumping, sit ups, and leg lifts. These types of exercises put stress on the back and spine which can worsen symptoms and increase the risk of injury.
Speak with your doctor prior to starting on a workout routine to ensure it is safe for you. You may also want to begin with a visit to physiotherapist to get a good idea of how to perform certain movements. Lastly, let your body be your guide – if it doesn’t feel right, discontinue the exercise.
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