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Unregistered member
Hey ellen,
Well of course the first thing you could do is go to your GP. As for your symptoms, as someone that has AS, I can tell you that it kind of looks like, but I am no doctor and your symptoms are a bit different than mine. Usualy in AS the pain is more in the lower back, rather than in the neck, you even fill that you get blocked sometimes. I knew I had to see a doc because it had been like that (lots of lower back pain) for five months, it got a bit better when I went swimming, but didn't disapear all of the pain and whenever I was sitting or lying down for a long time it got worse... I also had painful ribs, but as I tell you, my pain was more in the lower back. I don't know if there is someone else out there than can give you more advice... Hope I helped a bit.
Good luck

Unregistered member
Thank's Paul steve
for answering my post i have got a appointment with a new rumy this week fingers crossed .

Unregistered member
hi, my husband has AS as does my eldest son who had to have hip replacement at age 25....my husband has good days and bad days, he has lost 6" in height, has virtually no movement in his neck, top and bottom of his spine as well as one hip have fused.....he is in constant pain although the severity varies dependent on weather and how much he has done...he worked for 40 years as an engineer, 30 of which with un-diagnosed AS, any way about 6 years ago he knocked his arm at work which kick-started his condition, he tried to carry on but employers were very unhelpful so he had no choice but to give up work....after doing endless rounds of benefit offices to see if he was fit for work, about 3 years ago was told he was signed off for life,,,till Essa came into being where we went to see a little boy who sat at a computer pressing buttons, he said he was an SRN....but didn't even know what AS was, let alone be able to spell it, for instance he asked how often his neck got stiff and when letter came said no obvious problems with neck, could turn it 80 degrees and on the letter it said there was no reason why is Ankylosing spondylusus (sic) could prevent him from going back to work.....we appealed with letters from his GP and consultant, GP even said it could be health and safety issue....as sme of you know, you can get really stiff just sitting at a desk, anyway the upshot was they stopped his IB, even went o CAB, so now all we have to live on is a very small amount, less than £90 per month from a private pension, and DLA but has he has motability car the money for that is stopped out of it...he will be 62 next month so even if he was fit very unlikely to get employment......bit worried now when they change DLA to PIP, as no income then, it's a good job we have paid off mortgage and to top t all council tax has gone from us paying 0 to about £19....when we queried this they said it made no difference and in fact raised it by a few pence, am nearly 60 myself and suffer from osteo-arthritis plus provide free childcare for 3 grandkids so daughter and son-in-law can go out to work...just wondering what any one else's experiences have been
Last activity on 27/02/2020 at 10:29
Joined in 2017
1 comment posted | 1 in the Ankylosing spondylitis Forum
My husband was diagnosed with AS about 25 years ago. He has multiple medical conditions and is now prone to falls. His consultant told me I must take him to hospital for an xray if he hit his head, neck or shoulders. We have had to do this 3 times so far this year and I am always amazed how many doctors and particularly nurses in the hospital have never heard of AS
Last activity on 19/03/2021 at 13:14
Joined in 2017
4 comments posted | 3 in the Ankylosing spondylitis Forum
I suffer with anglosing spondylitis and copd I get very stiff with bad pain in my lower back and down my legs I sleep about 2 hours a night the pain killers I am on are not much good
Last activity on 19/03/2021 at 13:14
Joined in 2017
4 comments posted | 3 in the Ankylosing spondylitis Forum
is there any women with as as I feel I am the only woman and no one to talk to about as

Unregistered member
I too have AS, and also Fibro, Psoriasis, Chronic Stomach pain, Migraines, Asthma, and yesterday diagnosed with Tennis elbow and possibly Carpal Tunnel, its the disease that keeps on giving, aren't we the lucky ones
I am on Benepali Injections once a week, Tramadol max dose, Nefopam max dose, Pregabalin max dose, Oramorph when needed, various lotions and potions for psoriasis, Inhalers for Asthma etc...
I feel total wiped out 10 mins from getting out of bed, i struggle to get washed and dressed, i try and plan my days out so i am only doing one major activity a day, so as not to wipe me out totally for the full week. Washing one day, day of rest, Shopping, day of rest, Appointments, day of rest, housework(when i have the energy or when it gets that bad i just have no option to get it done) day of rest. Otherwise i will be in bed for days and in so much pain all i want to do is bash my head against the wall.
Seriously thinking about getting a cleaner or a home help, as some days i struggle to look after myself let alone my home.
I am in the UK and out of work due to medical reasons, so i have all the usual stuff to cope with regarding benefits, currently on PIP standard daily care and enhanced mobility as i struggle to walk with crutches, i dont drive so the mobility car is not an option, and as i live in a 1st floor flat a scooter is not an option either as i have no place to store it. Also i get SDP as i live alone and no one cares for me, also i am on ESA WRAG but my claim has ended and i am now in the process of re-applying (oh the fun i am having with those forms). I have doctors medical records to pick up later on today, lets see if the DWP will argue the toss when i hand those in.
Anyway thats me, out of work and in agony.
Last activity on 17/01/2018 at 12:41
Joined in 2017
3 comments posted | 2 in the Ankylosing spondylitis Forum
Hi I'm a woman with ankolysing spondylitis took 15 years to diagnose and I've had a awful time getting there . I have disc prolapse l234 and ls1 problems with my pelvis and hips plus sciatica . There are times over the past fifteen years when I thought I was mad as I had no inflammitory markers but the inflammation was evident . I've had so many procedures on the nerves of my lower back my bum feels like I've sat in nettles . I have to say I had a fantastic rheumatologist who didn't give up on me . I have been on humeria since February and feel fantastic . I would love to speak to others who have this poxy thing . I can't believe I've had this since early twenties and it reared its head when I was turning forty . My only concern is my children may have inherited the gene praying they haven't. I have found I have forced myself to be active as in December all I could see was a wheelchair. I send all of you big hugs and look forward to catching up with you all.
Last activity on 21/07/2019 at 09:06
Joined in 2018
4 comments posted | 4 in the Ankylosing spondylitis Forum
I have ankolysing spondylitis in my neck is It agonising and it is hard when driving to look right and left. I have tried chiropractice but did not work. Has anyone got any tips, I can manage it but it is getting worse any ideas would be welcomed
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Last activity on 28/02/2023 at 00:50
Joined in 2018
107 comments posted | 47 in the Ankylosing spondylitis Forum
4 of their responses were helpful to members
Good Advisor
@Sunique Hiya, please don't think you are alone, you have me and lots of others to support you and send you love when you need it. My email address is Balicrisiscare@hotmail.com when you're feeling down reach out as you have now, we'll be there for you....Hugs.Gloria
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Unregistered member
Hi every one what i wanted to know is this i have spondylitis in my l1 to l6 and in my neck C6 to C2 my C4 has slipped forward and is over hanging my C5 with bone growth. I also get painful ribs all the time and pain in my heels and feet but my rumy has said it is not Ankylosing can she be wrong ?
Thanks Ellen