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Depression diagnosis: Carenity members tell their story

Postpartum depression

Depression diagnosis: Carenity members tell their story

Depression is an invisible disease whose sufferers sometimes fight for years to be taken seriously and diagnosed....

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Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) - Understanding the condition and how to treat it

Bipolar disorder
Chronic anxiety - Stress
Generalized anxiety disorder
Social anxiety disorder

Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) - Understanding the condition and how to treat it

Anxiety is a common emotion, but for some their anxiety seems to take over everything, making it impossible to live a normal life. But, what is Generalised Anxiety disorder? How is it diagnosed and...

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Type 1 diabetes diagnosis: Carenity members tell their story

Diabetes (Type 1)

Type 1 diabetes diagnosis: Carenity members tell their story

Type 1 Diabetes is a commonly diagnosed illness. What are patients' feelings on diagnosis, patient care and treatment?...

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