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Epileptic seizures: recognising the symptoms and how to help


Epileptic seizures: recognising the symptoms and how to help

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure": discover the different types of epileptic seizures and our types on how to best treat them....

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How to recognise the signs of a stroke ?

Cerebrovascular accident
Transient ischemic attack

How to recognise the signs of a stroke ?

Every year, more than 100 000 people suffer a stroke. Learn to recognise the symptoms, react as quickly as possible and limit the damage....

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Ulcerative colitis - Carenity members tell their story

Ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis - Carenity members tell their story

Carenity members living with ulcerative colitis waiting on average 2 years to obtain a diagnosis. Here they tell their stories....

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Diabetes : understanding the low glycaemic diet

Diabetes (Type 1)
Diabetes (Type 2)
Diabetes insipidus
Gestational diabetes
Maternally-inherited diabetes and deafness
Neonatal diabetes mellitus
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus

Diabetes : understanding the low glycaemic diet

Have you heard about the low-glycaemic diet? What links are there between diabetes and diet? How is the glycaemic index of each food calculated and which foods should be avoided? Read our article to...

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