Examining "alternative treatments" against Breast Cancer
Published 7 Mar 2019 • By Louise Bollecker
Catherine, from Carenity France, shares her story of breast cancer with us. She is adept to alternative treatments and medicine for cancer and reveals the techniques that helped her overcome her breast cancer.

How did you know you had cancer? Was it by mammography?
In April 2014, my gynecologist discovered a small lump, but after a mammography and ultrasound, he said it was benign. I insisted on getting a biopsy in November and 15 days later the story was different.
What was your reaction to the diagnosis?
It was announced to me without any delicacy or concern... It was rough... I had to manage being diagnosed completely alone in a hospital that was under construction. I was lost, my body was like a robot... I no longer felt my legs, I could not think anymore.
What treatments did you undergo?
Chemotherapy, surgery, and radiotherapy.
Alternative medicines helped you cure your cancer. How did this concept come about?
I used a magnetic field to decrease the heat from radiation therapy. I used this because I had met people in the League against cancer advised me of it.
I also went to a homeopathic doctor and a naturopath. In just a few months, I subscribed to the magazine "Alternative Wellness" and discovered interesting information that allopathic medicine does not believe in, or communicate to their patients, at all.
Can you explain what alternative medicines you have used?
Magnetic Field
This immediately stopped the burns caused by radiotherapy. The practitioner received me in his office and, a few days later, I had new burns that he knew how to stop from a photo of me that I transmitted to him. Then, I often resorted back to this practice to reinforce my energy .
On the advice of a naturopath, I made extracts from different species of desmodium to detoxify my body.
It has been 3 years since I finished the traditional treatments, but as a cure, I continue with the desmodium or milk thistle, and also the vitamin D3 +++ associated with vitamin K2. I have made it several times with spirulina.
The side effects of chemotherapy, such as neuropathies, make me suffer from the beginning of the treatments, by physiotherapy, with drainages and all the detoxifiers I consume, I am finally feeling positive effects since the last few months.
I also made Aloe Vera cures and drank a lot of herbal tea to eliminate as much as possible the poisons that had been injected into me. I also used essential oils.
Being Active and Sports
I have always played sports and have been active: hiking, gymnastics, cycling and running, but now less frequently. In winter, I do not miss the change to go down the slopes.
When I returned from chemotherapy, despite my condition, I climbed on my stationary bike and pedaled for 40 minutes. I told myself that by doing this I would eliminate the toxic waste from the treatment. It did reduce a little of the nausea and vomiting.
Being active, it gives you a boost, so why deprive yourself , especially at times when you need it? You need to kick yourself in the A**!
We are not told enough about what to eat and not eat. It is important to know that cancer cells thrive off of mainly carbohydrates, so it is essential to avoid their consumption. I have and continue to practice (but not literally) the ketogenic diet (Keto diet). The principle is to avoid carbohydrates, but to consume foods rich in fats from vegetables / plants (we will avoid cheese and other dairy products, meats), such as avocados, nuts, almonds, but it is also necessary to consume fatty fish (mackerel, sardines, wild salmon ...), and then all the vegetables that have a low glycemic index.
For prevention, I advise everyone to avoid dairy products. We must remember that we are mammals and that, in the wild, animals are weaned quickly, so why eat such products, especially cow's milk? Imagine what it contains to feed a calf! It's too much for humans...too rich! The calcifications in the breasts and the prostate are partly due to that ... Let's open our eyes! We must take care of ourselves and not let ourselves be contaminated by this business world! (not to mention the pharmaceutical companies)
What advice would you give to a patient who has just been diagnosed?
Do not go searching too much on the Internet. This will only cause you to go into panic mode and each case is unique!
My advice: the ball is as much in the court of the medical team and caregivers as it is in that of the diagnosed person. You have to be an advocate for your own healing!
Any final words?
Do not hesitate to approach breast cancer organizations and assocations where there are quality professionals to help you. (doctors, psychologists, counselors, pain doctors, teachers, coaches: gym after cancer ...).