

Mindful Eating: Why is it a game-changer for your diet?

Published 16 Oct 2023 • By Somya Pokharna

In the unending hustle and bustle of modern life, where we constantly juggle our hectic schedules with the demands of others, we often neglect to simply take a pause, observe our plates, and truly savour our meals. Yet, eating mindfully and transforming our relationship with food can reveal many positive changes in our lives.

So, what exactly is mindful eating? What are its benefits, and how can one adopt this habit?

Feast on this article to learn more!

Mindful Eating: Why is it a game-changer for your diet?

What is mindful eating?

Mindfulness implies actively recognizing and acknowledging the experiences that are happening in the present moment. It involves giving our complete focus to the ongoing moment without passing judgment and embracing it as it is. This practice can assist us in examining our thoughts, bodily sensations, and actions without instinctively responding to them.

Mindful eating is, therefore, the practice of deliberately paying attention to the present moment when it comes to eating food, in order to break free from ingrained, unsatisfying, and detrimental eating habits. In contrast to mindless eating, mindful eating involves employing various strategies to transform our physical and emotional relationship with food.

Embracing a mindful eating approach entails:

  • Recognizing the positive and nurturing aspects of food preparation and consumption.
  • Making conscious choices to consume food that is both enjoyable and nourishing for the body, utilizing our senses to fully experience and savour it.
  • Acknowledging our reactions to food without passing judgment.
  • Being attuned to our body's signals of hunger and satiety to guide when to start and stop eating.
  • Identifying the personal triggers that lead to mindless eating, whether they are emotional triggers, societal pressures, or specific types of foods.

What are the benefits of mindful eating?

Eating mindfully offers a wide range of benefits that can significantly improve our relationship with food and overall well-being.

Firstly, it encourages us to make improved food choices by being more conscious of what we eat, ultimately leading to better nutrition and healthier eating habits. Moreover, practicing mindful eating leads to greater enjoyment of our meals as we savour each bite, deriving more pleasure and satisfaction from our food.

Mindful eating isn't just about the act of eating; it also instills a sense of gratitude for food. This practice helps us appreciate not only the flavors, but also the effort and resources that go into producing the food we consume. As a result, we foster a more positive and respectful relationship with our meals.

Controlling cravings is another valuable aspect of mindful eating. By reshaping our response to eating cues, it assists in letting go of unhealthy food cravings and forming new, healthier ones. Eating slowly and thoroughly also enhances the initial stages of digestion in the mouth. This can be particularly beneficial for those with digestive issues.

Finally, mindful eating helps regulate our eating patterns. It helps us pay attention to our body's internal cues, ensuring we eat when hungry and stop when full. This shift away from external measures like portion size or calorie counting supports more natural and sustainable weight management, freeing us from the constraints of strict diets.

In essence, mindful eating is a holistic approach that not only improves our physical health but also nourishes our emotional well-being through a more thoughtful and appreciative relationship with the food we consume. It is important to note, however, that mindful eating is not a substitute for conventional therapies aimed at addressing serious clinical conditions like eating disorders. Eating disorders like bulimia, binge-eating disorder, or anorexia nervosa often involve neurochemical imbalances as contributing factors. While mindfulness can be a valuable element within a comprehensive treatment strategy, it should never be relied upon as the sole or primary treatment approach in such cases.

How to practice eating mindfully?

The following are some tips to cultivate the habit of mindful eating:

  1. Consume small or moderate-sized meals every 2-3 hours to maintain consistent energy levels and reduce the likelihood of overeating.
  2. Before starting a meal or snack, ask yourself essential questions such as, "Am I hungry?" and "Am I thirsty?" Determine what type of food or drink you genuinely desire.
  3. Create a pleasant eating environment by setting a proper place for your meal and arranging your food thoughtfully on the plate. Avoid eating while standing, walking, or while staring at a screen.
  4. Take three deep breaths to center yourself and be fully present before you begin eating.
  5. Eat slowly and deliberately, paying close attention to the sensory aspects of your food – its smell, taste, sound, texture, and appearance.
  6. Put down your utensils or food between mouthfuls to allow yourself to savour each bite.
  7. Periodically gauge your hunger every few minutes during the meal to determine your level of fullness.
  8. Try to genuinely enjoy your meal. Remember that satisfaction often arises from the pleasure of eating.

Key takeaways

Mindful eating offers plenty of benefits that extend beyond mere dietary choices. It empowers individuals to cultivate a deeper connection with food, developing a heightened appreciation for the sensory aspects and origins of what we consume. Moreover, by encouraging the practice of conscious eating, it provides a valuable tool for managing cravings, improving digestion, and regulating eating patterns, all of which contribute to overall well-being.

Incorporating mindful eating into our daily lives can lead to a more mindful and fulfilling approach to nourishing our bodies, fostering holistic well-being and a deeper connection to the world of food.

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Author: Somya Pokharna, Health Writer

Somya is a content creator at Carenity, specialised in health writing. She has a Master’s degree in International Brand Management from NEOMA... >> Learn more

Who reviewed it: Laury Sellem, Doctor of Nutrition

Laury holds a PhD in Nutrition Sciences (University of Reading, UK) and a master's in Nutrition and Human Health (AgroParisTech, France). She has conducted clinical and epidemiological research projects in Nutrition... >> Learn more

1 comment

robjmckinney • Ambassador
on 09/11/2023

Really, for the past forty odd years there have been various claims to diet, even the NHS are there contradicting themselves. What about just enjoying food at the twilight of life, who cares about rules. There is a long list of things that will kill me, diet can get to the back of the queue.

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