How to Take Care of Your Hearing?
Published 5 Nov 2023 • By Somya Pokharna
Approximately 360 million individuals worldwide, of which 32 million are children, live with disabling hearing loss. Moreover, 1.1 billion young adults are at risk of losing their hearing due to noise, even when 3 out of every 5 cases of childhood hearing loss are preventable.
This alarming data begs the questions: What are the causes of hearing loss? How can it be detected early and be prevented?
Take a journey through this article to discover the answers!

How does hearing work?
The ear is a remarkable organ responsible for the sense of hearing and plays a crucial role in our ability to communicate and interact with the world. Hearing is a complex process that involves multiple components working together:
Outer Ear: The outer ear consists of the pinna and the ear canal. The pinna, or the visible part of the ear, collects sound from the environment and funnels it into the ear canal.
Middle Ear: The middle ear amplifies sound vibrations. It comprises the eardrum (tympanic membrane) and three small bones known as ossicles: the malleus, incus, and stapes. When sound waves reach the eardrum, it vibrates, and these vibrations are transmitted through the ossicles, further amplifying the sound.
Inner Ear: The inner ear contains the cochlea, a spiral-shaped structure filled with fluid. Inside the cochlea, there are tiny hair cells that line the basilar membrane. These hair cells are responsible for converting the vibrations into electrical signals.
Auditory Nervous System: The electrical signals generated by the hair cells are then picked up by the auditory nerve, which carries these signals to the brain.
Brain Interpretation: The brain receives the electrical signals and interprets them as specific sounds. It's in the brain where we make sense of the auditory information, giving us the ability to hear and understand sounds in our environment.
The entire process from sound entering the ear to the brain's interpretation is an intricate and coordinated dance between these different ear components.
Why is hearing health important?
Hearing health is fundamentally important for our overall well-being and quality of life.
First and foremost, it is a cornerstone of effective communication. Being able to hear and understand spoken words is essential for engaging in conversations, forming meaningful connections with others, and participating fully in social interactions. Hearing also plays a critical role in safety, enabling us to perceive important auditory cues like sirens, alarms, and approaching vehicles, which are vital for personal security. The inner ear, in addition to hearing, also plays a vital role in maintaining balance and spatial orientation. A healthy vestibular system helps prevent dizziness and falls.
Furthermore, hearing health significantly impacts emotional and cognitive well-being. When hearing is compromised, individuals often experience heightened levels of frustration, stress, and even depression due to the challenges they face in daily life. Moreover, research suggests a link between untreated hearing loss and cognitive decline, emphasizing the importance of maintaining healthy hearing for long-term cognitive health. Healthy hearing contributes to a richer quality of life, allowing us to fully appreciate the sounds of music, nature, and everyday experiences.
Finally, hearing health is pivotal for educational and professional success. In academic settings, hearing loss can impede educational achievement, making it challenging to follow lectures and engage with course materials. In the workplace, effective communication and active listening are critical skills for career advancement. Unaddressed hearing issues can impede professional growth and success. To ensure a fulfilling and balanced life, prioritizing and protecting hearing health is a fundamental necessity.
What are the causes and signs of hearing loss?
Hearing loss and deafness can be caused by various factors at different stages of life.
During pregnancy, factors like genetics, infections and inappropriate drug use can lead to hearing issues. After birth, complications like birth asphyxia (lack of oxygen to the fetus immediately before, during, or after the delivery), low birth weight and jaundice can also contribute. In childhood and adolescence, accumulation of fluid in the ear or conditions like chronic ear infections and meningitis can cause hearing problems.
Age-related hearing loss and degeneration is natural, but throughout life, people may potentially lose hearing due to chronic diseases like diabetes, smoking, earwax blockage, ear or head trauma, otosclerosis (abnormal bone growth in the middle or inner ear that blocks sound from traveling through), exposure to loud noises, certain medications, nutritional deficiencies, and infections. In some cases, genetic hearing loss may develop gradually.
What are the early signs of hearing loss?
Early signs of hearing loss can be subtle and gradual, making them easy to overlook. These signs include:
- Difficulty hearing in noisy environments
- Struggling to hear phone conversations or when people aren't facing you
- Frequently asking for repetition in conversations
- Perceiving sounds as muffled or like mumbling
- Trouble in hearing high-pitched sounds or hypersensitivity to some sounds
- Needing higher TV volume compared to others
- Frequently missing phone calls or doorbells
- Experiencing sounds like buzzing or ringing in ears (Tinnitus)
- Avoiding social situations due to hearing difficulties.
In children, signs may manifest as delayed speech, unclear speech, high TV volume preference, needing people to repeat themselves and difficulties following instructions or performing at school.
Upon noticing any of these signs, it's advisable to seek testing by a qualified healthcare provider.
How can hearing loss be prevented?
Preventing hearing loss involves being mindful of noise intensity and duration. Here are some key steps to safeguard your hearing:
Avoiding Noisy Environments
Whenever possible, stay away from loud places or activities that can harm your hearing.
Lower the Volume
Turn down the volume on devices like the TV, radio, or music to reduce exposure to loud sounds.
Recognize Excessive Noise
If you or others need to shout to communicate or understand each other at arm's length, the sound is too loud and could lead to hearing damage over time.
Take Breaks
If you're exposed to loud noise for extended periods, take regular breaks to minimize the duration of exposure.
Keep Children Safe
Protect children from loud music or equipment at home and ensure they are not exposed to high noise levels or very loud toys. During pregnancy, avoid noise sources and vibrations.
Choose Quieter Products and Maintain Equipment
Opt for quieter alternatives in products like power tools or recreational equipment whenever possible. Ensure that machinery is well-maintained and replace worn or unbalanced parts to reduce equipment noise.
Use Hearing Protection
Look for hearing protection devices like earplugs, earmuffs or noise cancellation headphones with suitable Noise Reduction Ratings (NRR) in decibels (dB). Choose comfortable and convenient options that you are willing to wear consistently, and keep them readily accessible.
How to cope and seek support as someone with hearing loss?
Coping with hearing loss involves seeking professional help from audiologists or ENT (ear, nose, and throat) specialists to assess the extent of the hearing loss and recommend appropriate interventions, such as hearing aids or assistive devices. Learning effective communication strategies, such as lip-reading, captioning and sign language can significantly improve quality of life. It is also essential to educate family and friends on how to best communicate with someone with hearing loss. Engaging with support groups, counseling, and maintaining an active social life can help address the emotional and social aspects of hearing loss. Staying informed about the latest hearing technology and advocating for necessary accommodations at work or in educational settings also play a significant role in managing hearing loss effectively.
Key Takeaways
The ability to hear is key is vital for effective communication, safety, emotional well-being, cognitive health, educational success, and professional achievement. Therefore, taking care of our hearing is crucial for overall well-being and quality of life.
Hearing loss can result from a variety of factors, including old age, pregnancy-related causes, ear infections, chronic diseases, noise exposure, and ear trauma. To prevent hearing loss, individuals should avoid noisy environments, lower the volume on devices, recognize excessive noise, take breaks from loud sounds, and keep children safe from noisy situations. Coping with hearing loss involves seeking professional help, learning effective communication strategies, educating family and friends, engaging with support groups, and staying informed about hearing technology and accommodations. Prioritizing and protecting hearing health is essential for a fulfilling and balanced life.
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About ear health, Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care
Causes of Hearing Loss in Adults, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Deafness and hearing loss, World Health Organization
Ear Health, World Health Organization, Regional Office for Africa
Ears and hearing: How do they work? Medical News Today
Explore Our Sense of Hearing | How the Ears & Brain Communicate, Hearing Health Foundation
Hearing loss, NHS
Hearing loss - prevention, signs, diagnosis and treatment, HealthDirect Australia
Hearing loss - Symptoms and causes, Mayo Clinic
Hearing loss, NHS inform
How Do I Know if I Have Hearing Loss Caused by Loud Noise? National Center for Environmental Health, CDC
How Do I Prevent Hearing Loss from Loud Noise? National Center for Environmental Health, CDC
How Do We Hear? National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
How Hearing (Auditory Process) Works, Cleveland Clinic
Listen up! The importance of ear health, Hunter Medical Research Institute
Types of Hearing Loss, Johns Hopkins Medicine