Sodium Valproate (sodium valproate): Reviews and patient testimonials


Medication indications

Sodium Valproate 100mg/ml Solution for Injection or Infusion

The treatment of epileptic patients who would normally be maintained on oral sodium valproate, and for whom oral therapy is temporarily not possible.

Sodium Valproate 200mg Gastro-Resistant Tablets

For oral administration in the treatment of generalised, partial or other epilepsy.

Sodium Valproate 200mg Gastro-resistant Tablets

In the treatment of generalised, partial or other epilepsy.

Sodium Valproate 40mg/ml Oral Solution (sugar free)

For oral administration in the treatment of generalised, partial or other epilepsy.

Sodium Valproate 500mg Gastro-resistant Tablets

In the treatment of generalised, partial or other epilepsy.

Sodium Valproate 500mg Gastro-Resistant Tablets

For oral administration in the treatment of generalised, partial or other epilepsy.

Sodium Valproate Liquid 200mg/5ml

For oral administration in the treatment of general, partial or other epilepsy.

Route of administration: Injectable, Oral
Molecule: sodium valproate

Patients' opinions on Sodium Valproate

In brief

General satisfaction level: 10.00/10 Learn more

Treatment's effectiveness: 9.50/10 Learn more

Ease of use: 8.50/10 Learn more

Adherence to prescription: 9.50/10 Learn more

Detected side effects: 3.00/10 Learn more

Improvement in the quality of life: 7.50/10 Learn more

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

1 = Never
10 = Always

1 = Not at all important
10 = Extremely important

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

Tips and advice of the community

on 08/01/2021

My pharmacy is in,our GPs Surgery so I have no choice I where to go 

Your message

lesmal • Ambassador
on 05/01/2021

I am not yet worried about the availability of my medications... I know my Pharmacy will alert me should there be a shortage or problem with the supply of both medications I am currently taking for my epilepsy. 

Your message

on 29/08/2019

The only issue I have is with all this Brexit business going on I am afraid my meds will not be so freely available if we have a trade issue in this area I will be stumped I have been more or less controlled for several years now & want to stay this way it is imperative that Mr Johnson sees to important issues such as this 

Your message

Conditions related to this medication

Fact sheet


See the fact sheet