Longtec (oxycodone): Reviews and patient testimonials


Medication indications

Longtec 5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 40 mg, 60 mg, 80 mg and 120 mg prolonged release tablets

For the treatment of moderate to severe pain in patients with cancer and post-operative pain. For the treatment of severe pain requiring the use of a strong opioid.

Route of administration: Oral
Molecule: oxycodone

Patients' opinions on Longtec

In brief

General satisfaction level: 4.00/10 Learn more

Treatment's effectiveness: 5.00/10 Learn more

Ease of use: 10.00/10 Learn more

Adherence to prescription: 10.00/10 Learn more

Detected side effects: 5.00/10 Learn more

Improvement in the quality of life: 4.00/10 Learn more

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

1 = Never
10 = Always

1 = Not at all important
10 = Extremely important

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

Tips and advice of the community

on 05/07/2022

Up the dose

Your message

on 05/07/2020

I have been changed from Longtec to Oxypro. I feel a little worse at the moment. I do not say it is the change in medication, perhaps I need to up the dose.

Your message

Members using this Longtec