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- Understanding the system of work benefits
Understanding the system of work benefits
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Last activity on 23/03/2025 at 21:16
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20 comments posted | 1 in the Procedures and Paperwork group
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what everybody forgets to tell you is that though there are a lot of benefits to claim out there & yes you can claim them all if you so desire they sometimes conflict with each other so the first question you should ask the benefits team is can i claim this benefit if they say yes then the second question you should certainly ask is what will i lose if i claim this particular benefit because sometimes you will lose more than you can claim , also if you were injured or hurt in work you can claim industrial injuries benefit , how much you get will depend on the severity of your injury ,
have fun out there it is a minefield
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Last activity on 25/03/2025 at 18:47
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I can only speak for the disability route as the others has changed since I used them. The whole disability system is designed to put you off making a claim. The questions are lined up for you to make a mistake to reject you claim. The best option is to seek help through CAB, Age Concern etc. who have experienced advisors to fill in the forms. Having been through half a dozen doctor and ATOS interviews, they are just designed to catch you out and reject your claim. On all these procedures there is a right to appeal and over 70% of rejected claims are reversed as an independent body does the review so outside ATOS. These organisations like ATOS are there to reject claims and not acting in the best interest of the disabled person. ATOS get three times the amount for rejecting claims than to pass a claim. Seek help with your claim unless you know well the procedures.
The same goes with Attendance Allowance and top up benefits, seek experienced help through Age Concern etc. The government relies on people being put off or misled about benefits as a quarter of pensioners who are entitled to help are not getting it or even applying.
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Last activity on 15/07/2024 at 09:21
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@robjmckinney Thanks for your help Rob, I am sure lot of member will find this information very useful.
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Josephine, Community Manager

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I know this thread is really old, but I'm wondering if anyone can share how they got the NHS or Council to pay for care? My partner has MS and is able to work less and less and I think soon he wont be able to work atall. I never dealt with anything like this before and I feel so overwhelmed that I just cry sometimes.
Where do I start? Who should I talk to? Please someone, help . I don't know what to do to get us the help we need.
Thanks everyone.

Unregistered member
My experience with benefits has been fairly easy being ex military. For my disability I receive a War Pension which covers every aspect of my illness and disability as it was attributable to military service. One thing I would like to add. I was divisional Secretary of the Soldiers,Sailors,Airforce Association, SSAFA. Should any members have served in any of the forces they will be eligable for help and guidance from well trained SSAFA caseworker this of course applies to your respective partner. They have only had to have served a short term even national service. The health problem, disability does not have to have been attributable to service like mine.SSAFA cover every aspect of help for ex service personnel not just benefits. Should you have any social problem,disability modifications to your home,wheelchair purchase,financial difficulties any hardship you will receive help, guidance from a friendly helpful caseworker who will guide you through the process. This of course covers all benefits as they are trained in all aspects of welfare. Fortuanately for me when I was in the first stages of my disability I was already in a position in SSAFA to be able to get all the above help. The contact details for Your local SSAFA divisional secretary can be found in your local directory or just go onto the net and search SSAFA
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Last activity on 28/02/2021 at 14:22
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Hello all, my experience of claiming benefits and care dates back some time. Some benefits like DLA, attendance allowance,PIp can be claimed even if working and can get confused with claims for benefits when sick and off work. Rent and rates discounts can still be claimed if on low wages, free prescriptions can be claimed if on low wages as can help towards glasses& dental treatment. £140 can be claimed towards fuel if your income is less than £16000 per year but sadly all these benefits have to be claimed by filling in numerous forms and producing evidence for entitlement. Most evidence as to be relating to your most recent income. If you receive things like pension credit, disability payments, or the new benefits when not working the rules for each benefit vary making it more confusing. Care from NHS or local council in general as to be paid for unless on pension credit or severely disabled. I beleive the GP has to refer you these days for care assessment, the GP also has to say whether you need transport to hospital appointments. But latest news is a new system will be introduced for this services so watch this space as they say. I would suggest that people obtain help from their local CAB office as they know most of the rules no matter what the circumstances. However Age UK do deal with over 50s now too.
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K. Brown
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Last activity on 25/08/2020 at 17:48
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204 comments posted | 7 in the Procedures and Paperwork group
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@Galion22 Thanks for your comment Galion. The information on SSAFA will be especially helpful for other military veterans in the community.
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Michael_B, Community Manager, Carenity UK
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@Katieoxo22 Thanks Katie for commenting. It's true that navigating all the different programmes and administrations can be quite overwhelming, especially for someone who's never done it before. We'll have to keep an eye out for the new changes you mentioned. Hopefully, it will make things easier for everyone.
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Michael_B, Community Manager, Carenity UK

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I would recommend talking to your local disability helpline as they will be able to guide you through the form process.
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Last activity on 22/03/2021 at 16:54
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23 comments posted | 2 in the Procedures and Paperwork group
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I'm on the ESA support group. Every three years, you have to fill in the ESA form, have a face to face assessment. Not good at all, I hate this system as by some kind of miracle my life time disabilities, now fit for work test.
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P. Tokarski
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The benefits system is complex, and the rules often change, so even if you’ve looked into it before, it might be worth checking again. Across the UK, billions of pounds are unclaimed each year - make sure you get what you're entitled to.
Today we are going to take a look into the work benefits for those patients who can't work temporarily or permanently, and those who are searching for a job while being treated for a chronic condition.
If you are unable to work,
you may be eligible for one of these two benefits:
1. Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)
Statutory Sick Pay is paid by your employer if you're too ill to work, in the same way as your normal wages, for example weekly or monthly. It may be relevant if you have a job but are unable to work because of a relapse. You can get £89.35 for up to 28 weeks.
You get SSP for the days you would normally have worked. It’s not paid for the first 3 days you’re off, unless you’ve been paid SSP within the last 8 weeks and are eligible for it again.
To qualify for Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) you must:
- be classed as an employee and have done some work for your employer
- have been ill for at least 4 days in a row (including non-working days)
- earn at least £113 (before tax) per week
- tell your employer you’re sick before their deadline - or within 7 days if they don’t have one
To claim Statutory Sick Pay (SSP), tell your employer in writing (if they request it) and by their deadline (or within 7 days if they don’t have one). You only need a doctor’s ‘fit note’ (or sick note) if you’re off sick for more than 7 days.
Once Statutory Sick Pay ends, or if you aren’t eligible for it because you're unemployed or self-employed, you may be able to claim Employment and Support Allowance.
2. Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) is a benefit paid if your ability to work is limited by ill health or disability, and offers you:
- financial support if you’re unable to work
- personalised help so that you can work if you’re able to
The 2 types of ESA are:
- contribution-based ESA (known as ‘new style’ ESA if you’re entitled to claim Universal Credit) - usually you get this if you’ve paid enough National Insurance contributions (National Insurance credits can count for part of this, if you get them)
- income-related ESA - usually you get this on its own or on top of contribution-based ESA, if you’re on a low income
You’ll normally get the assessment rate for 13 weeks after your claim. This will be:
- up to £57.90 a week if you’re aged under 25
- up to £73.10 a week if you’re aged 25 or over
After that, if you’re entitled to ESA, you’ll be placed in one of 2 groups and will receive:
- up to £73.10 a week if you’re in the work-related activity group
- up to £109.65 a week if you’re in the support group
You may get Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) if your illness or disability affects your ability to work and you’re:
- under State Pension age
- not getting Statutory Sick Pay or Statutory Maternity Pay and you haven’t gone back to work
- not getting Jobseeker’s Allowance
The quickest way to apply for Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) is by phone. The number you call depends on which type of ESA you’re applying for.
If you are able to work,
but don't have a job, or earn too little, you can apply for either of these benefits:
1. Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
There are two types of Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA). It's possible to get both at the same time.
Contribution-based JSA
This is a flat-rate payment for people who have worked and paid enough National Insurance contributions in the relevant years. It doesn’t matter what savings you have, but your earnings (although not those of your partner or any other family member) are taken into account.
Contribution-based JSA lasts for up to six months (in either one period of unemployment or several ‘linked’ spells).
Income-based JSA
This is for people who fulfil one of the following conditions:
- you've received your six months of contribution-based JSA
- you didn't pay enough National Insurance contributions to get contribution-based JSA
- you're entitled to have your contribution-based JSA topped up because, for example, you have a partner who doesn't work.
For each type you must :
- be 18 or over (there are some exceptions if you’re 16 or 17 - contact Jobcentre Plus for advice)
- be under State Pension age
- not be in full-time education
- live in England, Scotland or Wales
- be available for work
- be actively seeking work
- work on average less than 16 hours per week
There’s a maximum amount you can get - but how much you’re entitled to depends on things like your age, income and savings. Payments are usually made every 2 weeks.
2. Working Tax Credit
If you're in work but on low pay, you may apply for Working Tax Credit to top up your earnings.
You could get Working Tax Credit if either of the following apply:
- you’re aged from 16 to 24 and have a child or a qualifying disability
- you’re 25 or over, with or without children
You must:
- work a certain number of hours a week
- get paid for the work you do (or expect to)
- have an income below a certain level
The basic amount of Working Tax Credit is up to £1,960 a year - you could get more (or less) depending on your circumstances and income. Money is paid directly into your bank or building society account, every week or 4 weeks.
If you’re new to tax credits you’ll need to order a claim form. It can take up to 2 weeks for the claim form to arrive and up to 5 weeks to process a new claim.
Source: MS society UK; gov.uk
If you have already had any experience with claiming, receiving and living with these benefits, please don't hesitate to share it so that other members could ask you for advice.