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COVID-19: How do you feel about the current guidelines in place?
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Last activity on 09/01/2016 at 11:06
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1 comment posted | 1 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
I am not surprised that people are confused with all this conflicting information that Boris Johnson is spourting and all the lies by him.
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Last activity on 31/07/2024 at 09:28
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Although I don't relish another complete lockdown, its time that the government made things a little clearer. I know of many who have flouted the rules right from the beginning and its just the same this time round. It doesn't kill people to follow a few rules, but Covid will sadly kill a lot of people and I feel it will be worse this time.
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Pamela Greatorex
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Last activity on 27/03/2025 at 21:54
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Just totally fed up with the whole thing. I’ve been isolating since March but I’m getting to the point where I think we should just drop all the restrictions and let everyone get infected and gain herd immunity. Yes, some of us, me included, may well die, but at the moment all we have is a living death within four walls. Children’s mental health is being damaged perhaps for life, the economy is being devastated probably irreparably. These stupid tiers should be dropped as they make no sense and are are being interpreted differently everywhere. And to cap it all the MP’s who got paid £10,000 to work at home are also to get a pay rise for doing absolutely nothing useful!!!
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Last activity on 24/03/2025 at 10:33
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85 comments posted | 21 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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I've taken to not watching the news at all it's all doom Gloom and bad!
If I want to read the news I will look for it myself, I get daily email updates from the regional paper to my area not so gloomy.
I feel a 2-weeks circuit breaker is definitely a good idea. I am definitely confused about the 3 tier systems it may well be uncomplicated according to the government. I'm just tending to stay focused on the tier that my region is in.
I run on the original stay home stay safe. If if I have to go out ~ face hands space. Unfortunately this isn't as easy as it should be it seems that many people have a false sense of security with these face masks, on but then again I'm extremely aware because I'm on the high risk list.
I'm just using my common sense with it all
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Last activity on 10/07/2024 at 19:45
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1 comment posted | 1 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
I think there is a lot of scare mongering, if people are sensible, keep their distance, wear a mask, don’t go out more than necessary and only see a close circle of people, it will die down again, it was only a month ago this government were encouraging us to go out and eat out 3 days a week, restaurants were choc a block with people. We need some perspective. I have 2 under lying health conditions and am 58.
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Last activity on 28/03/2025 at 11:36
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I'm abiding by the rules both in my 'fold' and when on public transport and in the shopping centres. I wear a mask on the buses and took a train the other day for fun out to Lisburn; I'd never been on a train before in Northern Ireland! It is good to see most people on public transport abiding by the rules, but of course, there's those that don't seem to care! My mask comes off when in the shops, and I put on my 'Hidden Disabilities' lanyard, but I still make an effort to wash my hands, try not to touch products I don't need to and more.
I wonder sometimes whether people deserve to get COVID-19, just from the way they disobey the rules, i.e. walking around Belfast with no masks, the students and younger ones don't seem to care about their parties, entertaining on Fridays and weekends, but then also the older people also deserve to get ill too when they won't listen and follow the guidelines. The amount of older people I see not wearing masks horrifies me!
I find the news so depressing, but another lockdown doesn't worry me as we coped the first time around, so I'll cope again. Saying 'please, thank you' and 'showing respect to others' means so much! Bless you all!
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Last activity on 19/03/2025 at 18:19
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I really think it's time to have herd immunity for all under 60's with no health conditions. I am 68 and prepared to still shield and do online shopping for the duration. It is the only way for the virus to wear itself out like any other.
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H. Owen
Last activity on 06/08/2024 at 09:57
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6 comments posted | 2 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
Herd immunity or vaccine what will work quicker? Herd immunity.
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Last activity on 23/09/2024 at 12:30
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4 comments posted | 1 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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@Lesmac Some of the older generation including my 87yr old mum are out and about probably 4 times a wk , she's been doing this since March. If my health allows, I drive to her house to try keeping her in the house helping to keep everyone including, me, my OH and herself safe, What worries me is I'm her carer having to make sure she's looking after herself, is eating, washing basically I do what I can. I'm so pleased she wears a mask on public transport and when in the shops, shows she must be listening to me lol
Since day 1 she has been out and about, I can't keep her in the house even if I'm there, she has to use public transport to go wherever she decides, it's either Edinburgh's main shopping street or the bus to Glasgow which she loves and is just over an hr away. She has a look about shops then goes for lunch and back home, the reason she goes out is she 'can't stare at the same 4 wallunkess I pick them up and take them to mum,s every day' but what breaks my heart 💔😩 is she's out for some company and maybe even a little bit of conversation when she sits in Mark's & Sparks cafe all alone watching others come in usually in 2's, but no one speaks. I'm the only one who is able to look after mum, who has little visitors. It's just me and my OH who had stage 4 pharangeal cancer in 2012, and is pretty ill most days, possibly the side effects of the radiotherapy, I was advised that he may not survive this and now has agoraphobia as he's never been out since March. What I'm trying to say is, I tell mum bout virus, how many not survived it and how many In area and she is shocked but this is caused by her sadly having mixed DEMENTIA and Alzheimer's, so Les please spare a thought for anyone sitting alone in a cafe, they may be the same or something else. Xx
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Last activity on 31/07/2024 at 09:28
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I am of the opinion that a lockdown will happen, if not now it will in the near future. I would love it if people were sensible and did what is asked if them but they won't, they think of number 1. The number of people who I hear saying " why should we not see our families, she does next door" no one takes responsibility for their own actions. We abid by the rules even though it's hard not seeing the family. My daughter works in a school and has to self isolate because of a case at school. My grandson is also isolating as his teacher has covid, this virus is real and isn't going anywhere anything soon.
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Pamela Greatorex
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Last activity on 10/02/2025 at 08:31
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18 comments posted | 1 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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I am beyond words when you watch the news and see the amount of people not following guidelines and are not taking this seriously how do others feel? ☹️