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Coronavirus (COVID-19) - information and precautions
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Last activity on 31/01/2021 at 11:03
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4 comments posted | 1 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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Hi everyone. The issue surrounding what is the best thing to do can be confusing. The problem is that this is a fast moving situation and what was okay one day is not the next. Also, something that’s causing confusion is keep comparing us to other countries. You then have the situation about how countries are structured and run. For instance Germany keeps being held up as the country that’s got it right. But Germany is made up of separate states which then forms the Federal State of Germany. Therefore the individual states have greater responsibility for health and social care. But we are four separate countries in one nation and each country since devolution have taken on responsibility for their own health services. Also, many other countries are able to take draconian measures due to the fact that they can enforce government policy by having an armed police force which gives a very different dynamic to law and enforcement. Our police carry out their duties by consent and the only real way to enforce draconian measures is have marital law something that would be totally unacceptable. Having studied the ‘British Constitution’, which is a bit of a misnomer, the power of the state and the use of drastic force would be unconstitutional and would virtually be impossible to enact . Much of this dates back to the English Civil War and the start of parliamentary democracy and accountability.
Now each country does things differently and we are all learning from each other about the the steps that can be taken. Many countries that did not have social a distancing policy like Sweden are now finding that they have a problem with an outbreak. Japan has declared a national emergency, Russia has been hit hard and South Korea has a secondary outbreak. I won’t use any data from China as it is totally unreliable and generally false and the world has seen how the Chinese have caused a major global meltdown by hiding the outbreak and then lying about it.
I think that their will be much soul searching once this is over and I’m not going to say back to normal because nobody knows what back to normal will be. But clearly massive holes in preparedness when something like this happens have shown up and the over dependence on relying on one country to produce so much of the equipment that we rely on needs to be questioned. One of my main concerns is medication. At the moment we are okay but china and India are the world’s largest producers of medication. Here again over dependency on other countries.
The government are facing an uphill struggle as are many other countries are in what is the best way to deal with the Chinese virus and of course its causing frustration and concern but it is what it is and all we can do is ride it out and follow government advice and stay at home.
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Martyn Marsh
Last activity on 04/10/2022 at 19:34
Joined in 2018
2 comments posted | 2 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
I became a nanna for the third time 6 days ago but because of the lockdown I decided to go and meet little Evie Mae today she is beautiful, I came home and had a little cry because my social life hasn't existed for 6 weeks I didn't get to hold my granddaughter but seeing her and my daughter made everything ok

Unregistered member
Hi this is my first post... as you say I was absolutely terrified of becoming seriously ill with the Corona virus so my Daughter and myself, became obsessively clean, and we isolated a couple of weeks before I was told to shield for 12 weeks as I was so scared of coming into contact with the virus.
despite all our efforts I started to feel unwell, I had an intermittent fever, joint pains, severe headache, this went on for about five days I felt awful. I got up on day 6 and felt so much better! On day 8 I woke and could not breathe my sats would not come up any higher than 87 and I was feeling faint and my lips were tingling. We called a paramedic reluctantly as I didn’t want them coming to the house for fear of them bringing the virus to me !
I was rushed to hospital put into isolation and ended up on oxygen however my heart began to do strange things, so I was rushed to resus, as they felt my heart was being attacked by the virus and I could feel it.
I was eventually admitted to a Covid cardiac ward where I remained for two weeks on high levels of oxygen, just remaining out of ICU I narrowly missed it on two consecutive days, when they were discussing intimating me!
After two weeks I felt slightly improved and was allowed home which was fantastic, I am still in recovery now and the breathlessness still remains, I’ve been told that my lungs may never return to normal which of course is a worry x
Last activity on 02/05/2020 at 16:42
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1 comment posted | 1 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
Hi, i am a 71 yr old male living on my own with COPD Diabetis, Angina, Hypertension Spinal Stenosis, i was recently contacted by the Nhs Covid-19 task force informing me that i had been placed on the at extreme risk register, yesterday i had a call from my health centre telling me that they are removing me from the register because i son't meet the criteria !, when i asked him for the details he couldn't provide any, he just said that by Government guidelines i didn't meet the criteria, God knows where i stand now....the only benefit of being on the register is that i am given priority delivery slots.....really concerned now as i have nobody to shop for me
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Last activity on 10/12/2024 at 07:34
Joined in 2020
15 comments posted | 9 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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I had coronavirus last December I am still suffering as it as damaged my breathing sacks I was told at the hospital I had new virus that was circular and had all my medication changed also more nebuliser s had 2ct scans, but I had it mild dose of it, there not telling you the truth when thud virus was active I was told it was in this country from at least September 2019
Last activity on 18/03/2025 at 23:03
Joined in 2020
2 comments posted | 1 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
Had the same issue yesterday, despite talking to my GP on a couple of occasions and being reassured that the letter was on it's way, to be told yesterday that I didn't meet the criteria and was not getting one.....bloody thing
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Last activity on 10/12/2024 at 07:34
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15 comments posted | 9 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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@Anita7263 I no some people have not had one it's wrong if you got underlying health issues I was told they score you.
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Last activity on 04/03/2025 at 19:32
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22 comments posted | 6 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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Not got one either
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Good advisor
Last activity on 31/03/2025 at 19:08
Joined in 2016
765 comments posted | 142 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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Hi everyone the night before last about 2 am in the morning I became feeling very ill my throat felt as though it was on fire ,I had chest pains it felt like someone treading on Me, I felt sick but wasnt ,and I couldn't stop coughing the more I coughed the worse I felt ,so my husband phoned 111 they told him to press a number which he did and the phone just went dead ,my pain in my chest was getting worse and I started to panic which this didn't help, so then I decided, to take a spray of my ,trinate under my tongue, to see if that helped, but it did feel a little easier but I was really petrified, I thought I had the virus ,my husband phoned 999 and asked for an ambulance, when he turned up he was wearing all the ppe, hewas such a lovely person, he took my temperature and that was ok ,he then did my blood pressure and that was ok ,he then decided to do tests on my heart,he did a diabetic test as I am borderline diabetic but that to was ok ,he said I should go to hospital and have further tests but I was to scared to go so I said no but he left all the information and said if it happened again after he left, my husband was to call straight away as if could be my heart or something else, he therefore said if it did start again he was to call 999 and send for an ambulance and this time I was to go so they could do more tests I do feel a bit better now but I was very scared ,and still am over this virus
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AmbassadorGood advisor
Last activity on 31/03/2025 at 19:50
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618 comments posted | 105 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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Hi Tigger,
Yes it is difficult and hospital is not the best choice due to Covid-19 fears at this time but is does sound that your heart needs a few tests. Perhaps your GP can help as most GPs have ECG machines and can do a few blood tests to confirm whether there is a heart issue. Being pre-diabetic does raise your possibility of heart issues so worth a checking out. You can buy from Chemists, eBay etc. a range of devices even an ECG device, blood pressure, thermometer, SP02 meter that monitors oxygen levels etc. at quite reasonable prices. You can use them as indicators that a problem has started, they don't replace expert medical advice.
I have had a developing breathing issues and considered seeking medical attention, even an ambulance at one stage. Like you I am not keen on attending hospital or GP but clearly if it is serious you must seek expert medical advice. Your GP should be able to discuss matters over the phone and advise you best on how to proceed, they would no doubt be advised of your ambulance attendance. They will also be able to advise you over your pre-diabetic status and advise you on possible life style changes, if you can avoid full blown diabetes it is best, stay safe!
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Last activity on 25/08/2020 at 17:48
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204 comments posted | 2 in the Let's talk about COVID-19 group
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Hello dear members,
I thought I would open this discussion as the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been a strong news topic of late and is a pertinent topic for us here, as those with chronic health conditions who are immunocompromised may be at a higher risk of infection.
As you know, Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses which cause illnesses ranging from the common cold (some seasonal viruses are Coronaviruses) to more severe illnesses such as MERS or SARS. The virus identified in January 2020 in China is a new Coronavirus. The disease caused by this Coronavirus has been named COVID-19 by the World Health Organization.
If you feel you may be a risk or may have the virus, please refer to the government recommendations which are available and updated on the following page:
Coronavirus (COVID-19): UK government response
For more information about the virus and how to protect yourself, go to the NHS Coronavirus page:
NHS - Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Are you worried about the Coronavirus? Are you taking any particular precautions? Do you have any advice or opinions to share?
Feel free to share your questions, comments and concerns below.
Take care,