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Mental Health and the Performing Arts
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Last activity on 24/09/2015 at 00:16
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7 comments posted | 1 in the Fun and games group
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Hi there,
Just because you have mental health problems doesn't mean you can't be interested in or have the confidence and/or talent to be a performer. A lot of people with mental health problems wear a 'mask' everyday so acting is a brilliant quality that they can possess without even trying too hard.
I think any organisation that tries to help people with mental health issues develop confidence in themselves and to become involves in other activities for fun is good.

Unregistered member
Hi !
These are interesting ideas .
I would say , that an , Actor , does not play the role of an a Actor , playing a character . He plays the role of a character . For example , Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man , plays the role of a man with Autism . Whether or not Dustin is himself Autistic , is beside the point . Has he ' got it ? ' , ' Is he a good actor ? ' , are the only relevant questions .
One should not forget , The Company .
A lousy Actor , may make a great Scenery Designer , Painter , lighting directer , Booking Administrator , and so on and so forth .
A good company , gets everyone working , in a way that best suits their talent .

Unregistered member
Fabulous idea.
I've been part of Making a Scene, a mental health service user creative arts group for 15 years, when we have any funding we bring in different arts workers to do a specific piece of work with us.
We started off as purely a drama group, but we now use the description of creative arts group, because over the years we have broadened our adventures, we now do a variety of things including, creative writing, film, photography, music, script writing, painting etc.
We had funding from 2000 to 2004, since that time we have had no ongoing funding, we scrape by because we love the group, no one gets paid, if we do get any funding for a specific project, we will work with professional arts workers, the rest of the time a couple of us lead the group, we all work together to make it work.
We have made several films, we have entered one of our shorts into Southampton Film Week, which is an annual film festival, the shorts is a competition open to film makers around the world, we are keeping our fingers crossed but remain realistic, we do have a film called Labelled which we finished work on this year, that will be shown, we don't know which day yet and one of our member had a bbc documentary made about his life, which is being shown on day one, it will be on bbc4 in April (if I remember correctly).
We ate not professional film makers, actors, writers or actors, we are a group of people with a love of creativity from a common background, meeting in a safe place to explore our world and have fun.
I wish you good luck and lots of laughter.
mr chipps
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mr chipps
Last activity on 17/03/2025 at 21:04
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354 comments posted | 12 in the Fun and games group
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Hi folks
i personally do not live with mental health problems anymore, thankfully. But i do support people who do and in the past have helped a young lady to become part of a pop choir. i also invited her to join the towns civic choir, but now she has said no. i respect her decision, but feel let down, after all it was her who kept nagging me to keep her informed when she could join.?
This however has not put me off supporting others with mental health problems, as i know just how much it can pick people up and make them feel valued and part of something special. performing in my opinion, has many therapautic and long lasting benefits and also give them the desire to move forwards and realise that they are accepted in choirs or singing groups, and that maybe this is only the beginning?
i would also recommend, drama and musical theatre,even though ,we may not be stars or leading hands, we are valued by those we work with. i used to be in musical theatre, but gave up due to health problems. i now write my own poetry and have performed some of it at choir concerts and hope to continue doing so for many years?
my new mission is to support veteran living with mental health problems in their lives, and i am considering asking one of my choir musical directors to seriously consider forming a mixed voice veterans choir? This is because many veterans life with mental health problems that non veterans will never have knowledge of?
The singing poet
i have a poem about mental health, that is possibly in the future going be used by some personnel in training with NHS staff?
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singing poet man
Last activity on 27/04/2021 at 13:13
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1 comment posted | 1 in the Fun and games group
Hi , oh my god I cant believe there is such a group . I think its a fantastic idea . Where are you based . I would love to be part of such . I've always wanted to act and life situations always got in the way, up till now . A long time ago I was with a group ( 3 of us ) and I loved it .Would love to get back into drama etc . Have promised myself i will in new year .Its true about suffering with depression and how one feels they have to wear so many masks .
mr chipps
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mr chipps
Last activity on 17/03/2025 at 21:04
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There are many groups who use performing to audiences to help people living with mental health problems. i recently went to a pantomime and they had a lady there with downs syndrome, she was dancing and singing. i personally introduced a lady with mental health problems or special needs to a pop choir and she was accepted and thrives off performing. i sing with a couple of choirs and a folk group.
why not contact your local Mencap or other local mental health support groups to ask for information. musical and performance groups see the person and not the mental health issues, and you soon become accepted and part of them?
i love singing and performing, with a male voice choir, civic choir and choral society and folk group.
Although i do not have mental health issues. but performing lifts my self esteem and helps me to sort out any problems. but it is also great to be wanted and accepted for your own talents. i occasionally write songs and poems.
i hope you find what you are looking for and it enhances your life and social well being
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singing poet man
Last activity on 27/12/2024 at 16:40
Joined in 2016
3 comments posted | 1 in the Fun and games group
I think this is a wonderful idea! I joined a art class last year and there are mornings I wake up an feel too sore and tired to
go but when I force myself out it always gets me in a better frame of mind! It not just the activity that I enjoy but the company
and the laughs we have for those three hours. Five years ago my mobility got to the stage of having to use the wheelchair
I took up photography at the suggestion of a on line support group, I enjoy this activity when I can get someone to take me
out. It helps with the isolation and loneliness that I feel sometimes.
mr chipps
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mr chipps
Last activity on 17/03/2025 at 21:04
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I often feel isolated in my home, and try to get out as much as i can, because it makes me feel much better
I applaud what you are doing and even though i am not in a wheel hair , i and living with some mobility issues, as i have spondylosis and an unstable spine, which cause me lots lots of leg and joint pains. i also like photography and making my own videos, as it gives me the chance to express myself. i used to do a lot of voluntary work with people living with mental and physical health problems, but now have moved away ,as it was affecting me personally. because of some peoples selfish attitudes, for example because i do not have physical disabilities that show, they thought i could push them about and do physical things for them. and would not accept i could not? and got angry if i stood my ground?
so now i do what makes me happy and gives me something back instead of me always giving.
To go back to my previous message anyone with disabilities can join choirs, and music groups and enjoy life singing and being part of music in a big way. you do not need to be able to read music as long as you can pitch notes, and sing in tune lol
good luck to everyone
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singing poet man
mr chipps
AmbassadorGood advisor
mr chipps
Last activity on 17/03/2025 at 21:04
Joined in 2015
354 comments posted | 12 in the Fun and games group
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Hi TobieJane, i am glad my comments helped you i want to give a tiny piece of advice to anyone who is thinking of joining arts, music groups or choirs
make sure you know the upfront cost of being a member or taking part, as some choirs charge £10 a week and you have to pay up front and do not get refunds for holidays or sickness.
yes its great being part of some performing group, and getting seen by admiring people and enhancing your life but is it right for you financially?
Or are they simply money making groups. i pay annually for 2 choirs and its about £1 or £1-50 a week, which to me is very fair. i sing for free in my local civic choir, and the council provides all the facilities.
cheers mr chipps, the singing poet
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singing poet man
Good advisor
Last activity on 21/02/2025 at 08:47
Joined in 2015
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Hi folks. Since my original post I am no longer with this group as vice-chairman as the chairman decided to bring his violent little friend of a man back into the group. His friend has since verbally attacked me and physically attacked me as he gets frustrated and turns to violence if he can't find the words in an argument and here is the amazing thing, he is a peer support worker and used to be my peer support worker, but is defended by the chairman, who is his best friend. I helped start up the organisation and got them £10,000 in funding , but I can't continue in a group with this horrible violent little man who uses foul language constantly. This is the reason I've not written more regarding my original post. Good luck everyone.
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Good advisor
Last activity on 21/02/2025 at 08:47
Joined in 2015
7 comments posted | 3 in the Fun and games group
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Hi folks, we are a mental health support group who gives the confidence to recover to mental health sufferers via the performing arts. Do you think we are on to something where we bring people with a hint of hidden talent and develop them into full on performers where a natural high is obtained via their performances in front of an audience. We do not force anyone until they are ready and at a certain level which we help them achieve. Let me know what you all think, I welcome your views.