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Taking insulin when going out
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I've been on insulin since May, (lucky for me I'm only on two injections a day one before breakfast the other before pm dinner) and tbh to begin with I never felt comfy injecting in public but now I'm fine with it all, obviously I hate people starring but I find that as long as the person I'm with is fine with it it makes it a lot Easier feeling confident myself
What about you?
J x
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14 comments posted | 6 in the Diabetes (Type 1) Forum
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Hi Pinkwolf,
I think it's great that you are comfortable with taking your injections in public, especially after such short time. It makes life so much easier! I've had diabetes for many years now, but i still struggle a little. if I'm in a restaurant for instance, I will go to the loo to take my injection. I also try and plan around it when possible. With that being said, I am more relaxed than I was in the beginning. It is so true that it means a lot that who you are with accepts it.
I am taking 3 doses a day, so I also need to take it at work with lunch. Here I also go somewhere quiet, since I feel uncomfortable reminding my colleagues of my disease every day. They all know of course and are nice about it.

Unregistered member
I've been on insulin for 10 years. I do 3 injections a day. It doesn't bother me that much to do it outside my home, but it is more comfortable I have to say. At lunch I have to take my injection at work, but I have my own office, so I can do it in privacy. If I am out in public, I usually go to the restroom to do my injection. I wish I was as liberated as PinkWolf, as I am sure it will give more confidence about the disease.. But In general I think I am not that bothered by it. I have been offered an insulin pump, but not sure I want it.. It seems like I would be reminded constanty about my disease? Any thoughts?
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1 comment posted | 1 in the Diabetes (Type 1) Forum
I'm on a pump now, so it obviously isn't an issue, but I have spent the last ten years injecting myself anywhere and everywhere.
Mostly people don't bat an eyelid, but if anyone asks (mostly children, who are genuinely interested) I tell them what I'm doing and why.

Unregistered member
Hello MarinaS,
I joined carenity today and saw your question. A bit late for me to comment after a year and you've probably found your answer by now but anyway here goes .....
I've been injecting for many years and these days it's so quick and easy that it never needs to be noticeable. (The main thing of course is to make sure it's done.) The boss and any work colleages MUST know you're diabetic for your own safety and so I can't imagine them being bothered at all. As with all "unusual visible events" people might notice, show an interest or even ask about what you're doing. That's people for you. But as long as they're not upset at what you're doing it doesn't matter. I suppose if you're at a formal banquet or a wedding breakfast you might prefer a bit more privacy; I would say such occasions are so rare you won't need to worry about it.
By the way, you also asked for any ideas on taking insulin. I know a very good way to decide how much insulin is needed to suit the meal and exercise. Also how to decide how much you might need to eat to avoid your blood sugar going low. Please get back if this interests you.
I'd be interested to hear how you've managed over the last year.
All the best BrianD
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hello I've been on insulin since I was 4 1/2 and at start I was on 2 injections a day. In public places people would stare and you'd see them muttering that I was a junkie. My mum wasn't long in putting them in their place. I'm 37 now and on 4 injections a day since falling pregnant with my daughter and it still happens but I ignore these silly people who don't have a clue or I put them straight. Diabetes has been around for years but people are still highly ignorant of the condition even nurses who think we just eat rabbit food. More needs to be done to make everyone aware.
Last activity on 30/03/2021 at 16:55
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25 comments posted | 17 in the Diabetes (Type 1) Forum
I have been Type 1 Diabetic for 57 years on 9th June,i am on two injections a day,before breakfast and before my evening meal.I have never done my injections in front of people,because i was not taught that way,and do not think,it is fair if some body has a needle phobia.I will always do it at home before i go out,or do it in the disabled toilets in the building,or if at a persons home,ask if i can use their bathroom.I have a Radar Key,which cost me £3-50 from my local council offices,which has been very useful.Also by do doing it out of sight of people you can hold your finger under lukewarm water before pricking it with a lancet,and the blood flows a lot easier,to do a blood test.
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I Buckingham
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Unregistered member
How often do you take your insulin while out in the public? E.g. at a dinner party at a restaurant. And are you comfortable with it or do you prefer doing it in the comfort of your home?
Please don't hesitate to share experiences and ideas to manage taking insulin.
Good day to you all,