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- Suicidal thoughts, not coping, how to get treatment without carrying out my plans?
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Suicidal thoughts, not coping, how to get treatment without carrying out my plans?
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Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
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461 comments posted | 420 in the Depression Forum
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Brilliant news regarding your volunteering. I firmly agree that the best ones to give support advice are those that have first hand experience. It is also good to know that your counsellor is going beyond his job description to be there for you. You sound like you are going from strength to strength on your journey. I also know that you realize that life still isn't going to be a walk in the park so you aren't setting yourself up to fail by believing your life will be a bed of roses. Ceri, in the short messages that we have shared I can feel a positive attitude emerging which is fantastic.
It is sad that your mum chooses to bury her head with the truth but don't own her behaviour of suffer from it . You have suffered enough. When my now ex was diagnosed as being "delusional + psychotic" she actually said "Well, I don't know where he's got that from". She, to this day refuses to believe he is ill. As the saying goes "Ignorance is bliss"
She would actually laugh when I would tell her of the things that he would be saying; which is sad really. His bubble will burst as he isn't accepting of his illness and it is getting worse but I now refuse to feel sorry for him as we all supported him but he chose a life of lies/deceit instead of the loving family he once had.
I hope that you have a brilliant time at your various celebrations today .
You are obviously around a supportive network of friends which is the right sort of people you need to be with.
Keep chatting,

Unregistered member
I always manage by speaking to my parents or having someone who you fully trust and who isn't going to judge you on your feelings x
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Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
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Talking on here is brilliant as you are always supported, never judged by people who have first hand experience and so who understand you and what you are going through.
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Last activity on 24/11/2020 at 00:04
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Unfortunately speaking to my parents is not an option, considering my situation, and the only people I really trust, are my counsellor, and my GP, along with the supportive people both here, and on other forums I frequent :)
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Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
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Big hugs for a positive, gentle day. xxx
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Last activity on 24/11/2020 at 00:04
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It's happening again, I'm hitting that point where the nasty thoughts of killing myself are taking over, perhaps I could drown myself, if I do manage to go on holiday, things just seem to have taken a rather downward spiral
The home boarding for my dog just today let me know they have a cat, my dog hates cats, so the only option left to me is regular kennels, and I said I'd never put him in kennels, as that is where he started his life, in kennels, a dog pound dog, picked up by the dog warden, and the nearest kennels are where I first had him from, he'll think he's being abandoned
I really hate the idea, but don't want to lose all the money I've spent on this holiday, I just really wish I had the guts when I purchased the Nembutal on the previous occasion that I hadn't let pride get in the way, instead of asking my dealer for my sharps, I should have just accessed needle exchange and it'd all be over already
I wouldn't have to face any of this stuff, not going on a holiday that I never wanted to go on in the first place, but then started to look forward to, to spend time with my Auntie Val, the only family member who really does love and care for me
The thought of putting my dog in kennels, and later having to leave him behind with my parents when I report my dad and move
The thought of not getting the help I need, right now I feel like I should be in psych ward
I'm gonna go down Swansea tomorrow, and hope to see Jon, hopefully he can make me feel better about all these thoughts, as right now, I'm hurting too much that for me to contemplate out is really not good
I can't sleep, my eyes are sore, so I have to try, I've got a few hours until I have to be up, to get ready to get out, I wanna go to Swansea early on the 8:40 bus, be in Swansea about 10am xxx
Stumpy. X
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Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
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I am having a quick brew in the club before I go on to do my support work. Just on my emails + have read your post . I won't have time to help to support you as much as I want too or you need. I would give you a big hug, wrapped with love. Remember adopting the 2 Steps forward etc? Please go to Swansea ASAP. It is understandable that things will overwhelm you + I could cry at you mentioning your lovely dog; he is your best friend just as my Annie was + still is . Try your hardest to accept that it is ok to feel how you are but try + not let your mind drown . You are an amazing, caring, beautiful lady inside + out who sadly struggles to believe that. I will come online ASAP. Stay strong my wonderful friend: easier said than done, I know . Xxxxxx
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Last activity on 24/11/2020 at 00:04
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I'm crying now, argh... I hate crying so much, Thanks Julie, am going to Swansea now xxxx
Stumpy. X
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Last activity on 10/01/2017 at 12:24
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hi ? everyone glad I have found a site that I can share my problems with people who have the same ilness
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Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
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How has today worked out for you Stumpy?
You have been in my thoughts all today.
We were so worried about bringing my partners kitten here to live . He had got it from a rescue centre . My dog hated and still does hates cats but they have been fine together. Would the person with whom you are leaving your dog with not keep them apart?
Have a chat with them before making any final decision.
The holiday will be a terrific opportunity; too good to miss. Deep down you know that you will regret it for the rest of your days ,which wont be beneficial for your 'fragile mind'.
I do hope that you have managed to calm your mind down and are feeling less fraught.
Things will work out for the better believe it.
Hope to catch up later.
Love + hugs.
Julie x
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Last activity on 24/11/2020 at 00:04
Joined in 2016
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I'm feeling really suicidal, the psychiatrist cancelled my appointment, and I don't see my counsellor or support worker until next week, I have made a plan to take my own life, something I've never really done before, but before I resort to carrying out that plan, I'm trying to find ways to get the treatment I need. One last attempt to try to be rational, I've thought of trying to see the Police PCSO's to get across just how bad I feel, in the hope that they can help me get some emergency treatment, or I've also thought of going to the drug and alcohol project, to the walk-in service, and speaking with them to ask for their assistance, as they have their own psych team, but their so overstretched, that seeing them is impossible, but if I tell them of my intentions, perhaps they may make an exception, I can't think of any other way I can access emergency treatment, going to A&E is not an option, as it's too far to travel, I'd likely carry out my plan before I get there, and A&E have this nasty way of deliberately treating me so badly they make me feel worse, and make mistakes like giving me things I can harm myself with, so I have no trust for A&E.
Are there any other ways to access emergency treatment, knowing you need treatment to continue to keep yourself safe?