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- Colorectal cancer: symptoms and diagnosis
Patients Colorectal cancer
Colorectal cancer: symptoms and diagnosis
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I found out when i could not pass any fecces as my cancer was so big. I wss also loosing blood but had to have scans before they operated. Three months later i
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Passing blood was the major sign, the camera merely confirmed diagnosis but is was the secondary cancer that finally killed my Dad. Surgery removing the cancer also led twisted bowel that required further surgery. But he had two more years of relatively good health living with us before dying a couple of months ago.
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Unregistered member
i had irregular bowel movements but nearer the point of my bowel rupturing I had diarrhoea, couldn’t eat anything without it passing through me. I did go to the doctors a couple of months previously and they pescribed laxatives......I didn’t take them because I was going too often as it was.
i started with a couple pains in my tummy, they became spasms and ended up getting an ambulance. I had a scan which detected that my bowel had ruptured......6 - 7 hour operation, in HDU on life support and reduced coma for a few days. Diagnosed with bowel cancer, they removed a tumour 3.5cm. Woke up with a colostomy because they cut away a lot of bowel where the cancer was. In hospital for 3 weeks.
Had chemo for 6 months, during that time ended up with blood clots on my lung and liver, had to have daily injections in my tummy.
One year on and had my annual scan, everything ok apart from a 6.8mm nodule on my lung, apparently nodules are common but because of the cancer I’m having another scan in December to see if the nodule has either gone or grown, if grown, then probably cancer.......fingers crossed it’s done one!
my colostomy can not be reversed so along with all of the above have to come to terms with the colostomy, which is hard! 23 years I have worked in my current job with not a day off sick, I’ve now been off 15 months, which is very hard but I know I’m doing really well because I have been off, coming to terms with all of this. I have a beautiful husband and family so have managed 80% of the time to remain positive and fight this but it is hard.
Thank you

Unregistered member
I found i had cancer when i started bleeding and could not go to the toilet. The cancer had blocked my back passage. Had to wait almost 3 months before i had loop op and a colostomy bag and stommer. Had to wait another month before i had 6 weeks radio therapy. Meanwhile i was full of packed fecces and lost 1and a half stone because i could n eat. The radio therapy stopped my bleeding but had to have 7 units of blood because i had lost so much
Why cant they see to you straight away? The health service has gone to the dogs. Still not been told if my cancer has gone or not 9 weeks later after my radio thearpy

Unregistered member
I think we need to insist on being checked over, scan or anything else that gives a thorough examination, I think this country seems to be very poor at diagnosis which is silly really because I think it could save costs and LIVES in the long run xx

Unregistered member
I agree with you, why do we have to wait so long when it is obvious what is the matter with us. I still dont know if my cacer has shrunk 6 weeks radio therapy and 8 weeks later. Thank God i am feeling much better ythough. Life in the old dog yet ha

Unregistered member
My cancer was found after I had pancreatitis, mine is in the liver as well, it is not curable but treatable, just had chemo no 26 and can’t sleep. Big hugs to everyone out there going through the same problems
Last activity on 04/03/2025 at 19:33
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My cancer was found after unbearable pain and after blood tests showed I was anaemia. Showed on the outside of my right bowel. Had bowel resection. The plan was chemo afterwards. Didn’t happen as I got a very bad surgery infection that took 9 months to-heal. After 3 more operations, the powers that be nailed it. CEA levels just kept going up. So, after CT scan after CT scan they sent me for a Pet Scan and there it was the cancer had decided to invade my liver. So that was remove successfully may I add. Problem is my CEA levels are showing 8 should be I understand around 2-4. When all this started my CEA levels were 4 ( that’s when the cancer first started) No chemo was advised after liver resection. The cancer was 2cm. I was very fortunate it was found in time.
i am would be very interested to hear from any other members about CEA blood levels or just CEA blood levels in general.
All scans recently done are all clear. So, why the raise in CEA levels.
Thanking you in any feedback on CEA levels. xx
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989 comments posted | 6 in the Colorectal cancer Forum
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Hello @Silverlady8 @iamised @Chickenlady @AngieHall How are you all doing now?
I am going to tag some other members who have colorectal cancer to see if they would also like to share their stories.
@Parker @Cellon46 @Duranie85 @Jewels18 @DeniseNZ @Jilldawson @Melclarke @cocouk @Lisajane3350 @Barley1964 @linda69 @Vetiver @alovey @Mae bugs @Janicel @Smoff48 @Tracy-mack @portechee @Beagle01 @melobs @Jackie75 @Zack03 @Ti Lee @cheethamjones @Gerryfire @Stumpit @Crap_kb @Claretaylor765 @Karen1958 @GENK00 @Sonicsangels @samanthahart @Jan132
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Last activity on 07/10/2020 at 11:39
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Colorectal cancer is a cancer that affects the important organs of our digestive system - colon and rectum. According to WHO, it's the second most common tumour among both men and women (after lung cancer).
In this discussion I invite patients suffering with colorectal cancer (also known as bowel cancer) to share their experiences.
How were you diagnosed? Were you experiencing any symptoms prior to diagnosis? If yes, what were they?
If you found out you had cancer during a routine exam, what were the tests you did? What health-care provider established the diagnosis?
What was your reaction?
Thank you in advance for letting us know your story and helping other patients understand that they are not alone.