Patients Bipolar disorder
Bipolar Hell
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Last activity on 09/12/2020 at 21:16
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82 comments posted | 6 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
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I am not a doctor Wendy but I have been around drugs a lot, maybe I can clarify a little. Firstly thyroid problems. Can I assume that you have been to your GP, had blood tests, and received a diagnosis there ? What you describe would point to low thyroid levels and the treatment for that is supplementation with thyroid hormones. There is the question as to whether this should be treated by your GP or an endocrinologist. The thyroid gland can be subject to more sinister conditions than just high or low hormone levels but these aren't common. A specialist would pick them up . My partner had a thyroid problem and she had a few visits to an endocrinologist and specialist tests before our GP took over monitoring her condition. If you are taking thyroxine and things are improving, great. If this isn't the case you need to talk to your GP.
Second Bipolar 1 or 2. If you have been diagnosed with either of these then Sertraline isn't really an adequate treatment. Medical opinion has changed in recent years. The dominant position now is that the primary treatment should be mood stabilizers, sometimes antipsychotics and benzodiazepines for short periods but anti-depressants very rarely. I don't think a past addiction is really relevant. Heavy drug use can trigger psychiatric conditions but if you have symptoms 4 years on then your Bipolar needs to be treated. All of the mood stabilizers would be available to you, except Lithium because of your thyroid problem. You would probably have to come off Sertraline first.
So Sertraline. The maximum recommended dose is 250 mg so you are not far off it. If you suddenly go from 200 mg to zero in the space of a day it is pretty likely that you will get some kind of significant withdrawal symptoms. You will have to wind down to 150 mg for a while then 100 mg etc. It would be advisable to involve your GP in this. If you are going to start a mood stabilizer this could be linked to Sertraline withdrawal.
Are you unhappy about Diazepam for spasms ? I think there are alternatives that are not sedative. You could check out Baclofen. But this isn't my field, psychoactive drugs are.
Pain relief is more of a problem. Lots of people use Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs like Ibuprofen and Diclofenac for pain and seem to manage. But in terms of pain relief they don't come close to strong opiates, which Oxycodone most certainly is. If you are determined not to use opiates you might have to accept a greater level of pain. But you could start an NSAID while you withdraw from Oxycodone. I am glad your GP is involved in this. Oxycodone is seriously addictive and it can generate significant withdrawal symptoms.
Hope there is something of use to you in all this Wendy.
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In the darkest night the sun may seem like an extinguished match or an ember drowned by rain.
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Last activity on 12/12/2023 at 16:24
Joined in 2020
12 comments posted | 9 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
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I have been on carbamazapine for years for my bipolar and once they find the right dose it is great. I also take respiradone to help me to sleep. I have not been hospitalized since 2003. But I do get night highs in my dreams where the dreams get out of control fast and scary. Often carrying on when I first wake up. But i was taught to focus the mind on a candle and its flickering flame and let the other images calm and drop away. It does work but it takes a while and practice. Then I can usually go back to sleep.
Last activity on 25/04/2015 at 23:40
Joined in 2015
1 comment posted | 1 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
Don't come off the meds. I was on 75mg of Lamotrogine and had a bad turn (stress related) moving me into a deep depression (suicidal thoughts). I went to my GP and he referred me to a Psychiatrist who upped my meds to 150mg over a period of time. I stabilised and now have to just monitor and control my stress levels. Get help if you feel you can't cope.
Last activity on 09/08/2024 at 21:26
Joined in 2023
8 comments posted | 3 in the Bipolar disorder Forum
Hi. Similar thing, finally diagnosed with manic-depression at 40, 49 now. Miss-diagnosed as uni-polar depression at 20. Manic-depression has a large genetic factor, in other words tends to run in families. I’m adopted so no genetic medical history. Was on anti-depressants for 20 years, made things worse. My understanding is you don’t treat manic-depression with SSRI’s (like Sertraline?) Just makes things worse. Since being diagnosed with manic-depression have been taking Quetiapine (anti-psychotic) and Lamotrigine (mood stabilizer) + Pregabalin, Zopiclone & Bisoprolol for Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I urge you to speak to your Doctor about this. Just my opinion, but SSRI’s really messed me up more. Anti-psychotics and mood stabilizers are what’s usually prescribed for manic-depression. It’s not a cure, there isn’t one unfortunately. I still get manic, depressed and mixed states, but proper meds have literally saved my life. Sucks getting diagnosed with manic-depression later in life. Speak to Doc and take care of yourself.
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Hi. This is my first post here. I have officially been diagnosed with bipolar for 9 years now. Of course I know it's been going on longer since being a teenager but then I was always in a "bad mood" no one knew. I'm now in 150 of Sertraline. Have been for 7 years. I don't feel that I'm getting any respite from it. It's constant. My husband is my rock but I feel that he's taking the brunt of all my anger and I'm afraid it will be too much for him eventually. I just need a bit of advice. I'm 48. Do I come off the tablets slowly and try to regulate myself or carry on not feeling right, yo yoing between emotions?
Thank you