Change of season: what food supplements can you take?
Published 20 Mar 2023 • By Candice Salomé
During winter season, your body has been put through the test: cold weather, lack of light, constant colds and other viruses, etc. It's time to boost your immune system and get back into shape for the beginning of spring!
Did you know that food supplements can be very good allies during the change of season?
But which ones should you take in spring? What benefits can they bring?
We explain it all in our article!

Spring is a symbol of the awakening of the sleeping nature. It is the ideal season to start detoxification, to increase your energy level or to boost your immune system!
Which food supplements can help you? Here are some tips!
Why take food supplements in spring?
You have difficulty concentrating during the day, trouble waking up, and spring allergies are making a comeback with all the annoying symptoms that follow? Spring is here, but your energy level is not necessarily at its best!
People often talk about spring cleaning for their homes. But just like your home, your body can also use a little boost this time of year.
Each time the season changes, a course of natural food supplements can be considered. Despite the arrival of the warm weather, your body and your health may be lacking something that would make all the difference.
Various vitamins and food supplements can be useful to help you get through the change of season.
Which food supplements to choose for spring season?
Spring and autumn are the two seasons with the greatest variations of temperature.
In addition, in winter, the body often accumulates different excesses: for example, during the festive season most people tend to consume significant quantities of fatty and sugary foods. In winter our lifestyle often becomes more sedentary and we spend a lot of time indoors.
First step: detox
A detox cure can help the body get rid of toxins such as food waste and pollution residues. These harmful substances are stored in various organs such as the kidneys, liver and lungs.
Several plants can accelerate their elimination thanks to their depurative actions:
- Artichoke - Consumed in the form of a concentrated extract, found in chlorogenic acid supplements, this plant combats liver overload and optimises its functions.
- Milk Thistle - It is known for its ability to limit the damage caused by alcohol, drugs, pesticides and some poisons, which gives it hepato-protective properties. It also improves liver function, stimulates digestion and purification of the body.
- Dandelion - It is a diuretic plant that acts against water retention, supports the elimination functions of the liver and also improves digestion.
Second step: fight the fatigue
The sun is back! But the fatigue accumulated during the winter, with the grey weather that sometimes affects your morale, is still present in your daily life.
First of all, it is important to gradually change your eating habits. A healthy and balanced diet, rich in fruit and vegetables, can really help you overcome fatigue. It is also essential to stay well hydrated by drinking at least 1.5 litres of water a day.
Your caffeine intake should be limited. Caffeine is a "false fuel" that tends to overtax your body. However, you can replace caffeine with a natural stimulant such as ginseng.
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential. They are found in oily fish and certain vegetable oils. Research has shown that omega-3 supplements can improve sleep duration and quality in children and adults.
Super foods such as spirulina can be added to your meals! Its main function is to maintain energy and tone and enhance vitality, while promoting the body's resistance to pathogens.
Third step: minerals
It is important to remineralise our body because our nutritional intake is often insufficient due to our modern diet. Our modern diet rarely fully covers our body's needs.
Vitamin C can be a good supplement to regain vitality and make up for any deficiencies. It contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system and the protection of cells against oxidative stress caused by free radicals.
A lack of magnesium leads to various symptoms such as fatigue, irritability and stress. To combat magnesium deficiency, it is possible to take it in the form of capsules.
Iron deficiency is common. It is the main cause of anaemia, which is the most widespread nutritional deficiency in the world, affecting 33% of women who are not pregnant, 40% of pregnant women and 42% of children, according to the WHO. Foods such as red meat or certain vegetables (peas, lentils, white and red beans, spinach, etc.) are rich in iron. You can also take food supplements such as Ironorm.
A food supplement is not a medicine, so by definition it cannot claim any therapeutic effect. Furthermore, the nutritional and health claims that may be made on products are strictly regulated by law. To date, a limited number of health claims are authorised, the list of which can be found on the European Commission's website.
Generally speaking, to limit the risks involved in consuming food supplements, here are 5 tips to follow:
- Seek advice from a healthcare professional,
- Avoid prolonged, repeated or multiple use,
- Respect the conditions of use,
- Be vigilant about products presented as miraculous,
- Give preference to products sold in the best controlled circuits.
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Take care!
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