

World Cancer Day: Facts and Insights!

Published 4 Feb 2019 • Updated 23 May 2019 • By Louise Bollecker

World Cancer Day: Facts and Insights!

Today is World Cancer Day. Discover the latest figures about this disease as well as the latest testimonials on Carenity. Let's speak out against cancer and share our stories and tips!

Cancer, a global scourge

  • Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide, after cardiovascular disease.
  • 17.5 million people were living with cancer in 2015.
  • From 2005 to 2015, the number of cancers increased by 33%, mainly due to the aging of the population and population growth

What is cancer? 

All cancers are different depending on the location of the tumour, the individual and the stage of disease progression. Cancer is defined as a malignant tumour that results from the uncontrolled proliferation of cells in a tissue or organ.

The most frequent cancers

  • Prostate cancer is most common in men.
  • Breast cancer is most common in women.
  • Childhood cancers are rare; they represent only between 1 and 2% of cancers. The cure rate is around 80% for all pediatric cancers.

The most deadly cancers

Lung cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide, followed by liver cancer, stomach cancer and colorectal cancer.

The risk factors

  • Age: the older you are, the more likely you are to get cancer
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Tobacco and alcohol
  • Diet: not eating enough fruits and vegetables and eating a diet that is too fatty, sweet or salty can lead to cancer.
  • Obesity and lack of physical exercise
  • Air pollution, asbestos and other toxic substances
  • Infections such as HPV, AIDS or hepatitis B

>> Visit our forum dedicated to cancer treatments

The psychological impact of cancer

Stuart, a member of Carenity, has overcome colorectal cancer. He tells us about his depression, his post-traumatic stress disorder but above all his solutions to regain the joy of life.

>> Read Stuart's testimonial

With a neuroendocrine tumour for at least 20 years, mariebleu (a member of Carenity France) has often felt isolated in the face of the rarity of NETs. She explains her treatments and the help she received from her family and friends, as well as her struggle to find a doctor who would listen.

>> Read the story of mariebleu

Become involved in your recovery

Simon (@simonflys), a Carenity member, "highlights PSA testing for every bloke" he meets, having himself been affected by prostate cancer and been treated successfully due to early detection. He also underlines the importance of a positive attitude and of taking into consideration the feelings of caregivers, as their loved one's condition can be extremely difficult to bear. 

>> Read the history of Simon

Meet our member, Elizabeth @elizda‍, who experienced a shock when she learned not only did she have anal cancer, but she would have to get an ileostomy. Read her story of change and acceptance.

>> Read Elizabeth's testimonial

Breaking the taboo of cancer

Doug was diagnosed with prostate cancer in October 2017 and since then he has used his cancer diagnosis as a source of creative fuel. Doug has been very outspoken about his journey with cancer and writes about it in detail. Discover his experience.

>> Read Doug's testimonial

Kathy is a former police officer who was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma. In this interview she talks about breast cancer treatments and the importance of accepting the new you.

>> Read Kathy's story

To read all the testimonialss of our members, it's this way!

And how was your diagnosis?
Are you satisfied with your treatments?
Do you have any relatives fighting cancer right now?
Let's support each other in this discussion!



avatar Louise Bollecker

Author: Louise Bollecker, Community Manager France

Community Manager of Carenity in France, Louise is also editor-in-chief of the Health Magazine to provide articles, videos and testimonials that focus on patients' experiences and making their voices heard. With a... >> Learn more


on 04/02/2019

I have breast cancer I have had a mastectomy and radiotherapy mine was diagnosed by a ct scan as I was suffering from being breathless if I walked from the toilet to my chair I found it hard to catch my breath I was like it for a long while I had a chest infection  ,but Dr Clifford Wasn't happy so he sent me for a scan and it came back that I had two lumps on my breasts so ,I received an appointment, to see  the breast clinic they took me in a room and examined both of my breasts , they found that I had lumps in both ,I then had to go in a room to take biopsies  ,after they did that I had to wait for my results I went home and waited for just over a week  then i had to go back for my results i was then taken in a room and i had one breast drained as that was just a cyst ,but my left breast showed positive it was in the second stage ,i decided to have a mastectomy and 5 weeks of radiotherapy  ,after my op I had a drain put in and had to have that on for a week  and i had to empty that every day and measure it when i had it removed i then had to go to Lincoln when i was told about my radiotherapy  i had a tracer put in when they operated but when i was to have my radiotherapy i had to  have a tattoo of where they was going put my treatment i was very nervous  but the nurses were so kind and helpful after all the radiotherapy was finished I was able to ring a bell and every one cheered it was so relieved I was told that it hadn't spread when I went back but it did leave me with lymphoedema and emphysema  but I have had a mammogram and that was clear no abnormalities, but on the 6th of Feb I have to go back for my six month check up but I have to take lexitrole for five years but I have to wait ten yrs for my all clear I have had lots of other tests as well to see how all my other illnesses are I do find it hard to cope with this cancer my daughter also has had skin cancer twice and in 1995 I lost my mum to lung cancer and I have also lost cousins to stomach cancer ,and bowel cancer so this is my comment and how cancer has affected me I now suffer with anxiety and PTSD I have to wear a stocking and glove for my lymphoedema and cream at night also I am on the waiting list for rehabilitation exercise, also a one to one for seeing a mental councillor  I have seen one for steps to change .Mrs Dawn Asplen 

on 04/02/2019

I received my  breast cancer diagnosis four years ago today. WLE, 2 lymph nodes removed and radiotherapy.  Letroziole, only one year left!  Am scared to have only one year left and be unprotected. I am also interested to see what sort of person is left and whether the symptoms I have are the tablets or just me :-(

on 05/02/2019

I really hope everything goes well for you love hugs tiggs xxx

JosephineO • Community manager
on 05/02/2019

@Dayzie @Tigger.co.uk thank you both for commenting :)

Dayzie, if you look at our other discussion about the long-term effects of certain cancer treaments, there might be some other members who have experienced something similar to you or you can ask them. You can find the discussion at this link:


I hope this helps :) 

on 06/02/2019

Dayzie I had breast cancer in 2010 had a lumpectomy and 3 sentinel nodes removed. 2 had cancer cells so had to go back in for full node clearance. I had 15 rounds of radiotherapy and refused chemo. I was put on arimidex tablets which left me with so much joint pain. after 9 months they tried me on exemerstane which I put up with for 2 years then they put me on letrozole I have been on these now 5 years they say you have to stay on them for 10 years now. so I will come off them in 2020. I have had a terrible time of it with sleepless nights neck pain pins and needles and numbness I'm now suffering with hypercalceamia which apparently is caused by breast cancer. the hospital is monitoring it at the moment as surgery is the only answer to have the parathyroid tumor removed. I can' hardly walk now as my hips are terrible. All the best with your treatment x

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