What are the health benefits of having a pet?
Published 26 Feb 2024 • By Candice Salomé
Less stress and a lower risk of depression, lower mortality from cardiovascular disease, etc. Having a pet is actually good for your health!
We explain it all in our article!

In the UK, pets are part of many families. Just over half of all households own at least one pet, mostly cats and dogs. These little furry creatures are often regarded as members of the family.
Pets are not only good company for children or the elderly, but they actually contribute to our well-being and offer numerous health benefits.
Having a pet lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease
According to several studies, having a dog is associated with lower mortality from cardiovascular disease, such as myocardial infarction. This is especially true for people living alone, who are usually at greater risk of developing heart disease than those living with a partner.
Studies also show that living with a dog slows your heart rate and lowers your blood pressure.
The reason for this is that dog owners tend to be more physically active than those who have no pets, as they tend to walk more. The same applies to children, who spend more of their free time outside with their dog, and therefore tend to be a little less behind the screens.
Having a pet in your life strengthens your immune system
According to certain studies, children who grow up with a pet in their family tend to develop fewer childhood allergies than those who grow up without one. In fact, when a cat or a dog licks your face, your body picks up certain bacteria which help strengthen your immune defenses.
Moreover, growing up with a cat reduces the risk of developing asthma.
Having a pet improves your mental health
The relationship we have with our pet helps us increase our self-esteem, feel useful and less depressed during difficult times.
Regular contact with a pet releases oxytocin (the pleasure hormone), reduces cortisol (the stress hormone) and increases the levels of endorphins, responsible for the feeling of well-being.
Moreover, having a cat or a dog encourages social interaction, as it makes you talk more frequently with your neighbours and other people in your community.
Cats, thanks to the vibrations of their purring, have been identified as a perfect way to reduce stress. This phenomenon has even got a name: "purr therapy".
Pets help us be in a better shape
In addition to the fact that having a pet protects us from certain cardiovascular diseases, studies suggest that obesity is less common among dog owners. The risk of being overweight when you have a pet is said to be halved.
Pets help us feel less lonely
People who live with a pet tend to feel better about their lives. Pets provide a presence for lonely people, support, a rhythm of life, and so on. They also force us to go out frequently during the day, and to meet other pet owners.
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Take care!
Sources :
Chien, chat... : les incroyables bienfaits des animaux de compagnie sur notre santé, Ça m’intéresse
C'est prouvé, les animaux de compagnie sont bons pour notre santé, Europe 1
9 bienfaits des animaux de compagnie sur la famille, Ouest France
Les nombreux bienfaits des animaux de compagnie pour les enfants - santé, bien-être, apprentissage..., Université de Rennes
Pourquoi les animaux de compagnie nous apportent-ils bien-être, bonheur et santé ?, Affinity Fondation
Animaux de compagnie : la science révèle tous leurs bienfaits, L’indépendant
Les nombreux bienfaits des animaux de compagnie dans nos vies, Royal Canin Fondation