The benefits of vacation for our physical and mental health
Published 12 Aug 2024 • By Candice Salomé
Vacation plays an invaluable role in maintaining our physical and mental balance. It gives us the opportunity to recharge our batteries, strengthen our social ties and reduce stress levels.
So in what way does taking a holiday benefit our mental and physical health, and, most importantly, why?
We explain it all in our article!

On average, an employee spends almost 10 hours a day at their workplace, whether in an office, on a construction site, behind the wheel of a bus or behind a counter. Repetitive tasks and activities are an ordinary employee's daily routine.
In the long run, such work routine can have negative effects on our physical and mental health. That is why taking time off was introduced in the first place, to take care of employees' physical and mental health.
But what are the positive effects of vacation, and why is it good for our health?
Vacation reduces stress and anxiety
Taking a holiday is a great way to relieve stress and reduce anxiety, by getting away from stressful or unpleasant atmosphere at work.
It is also a chance to get away from the daily stress one might experience outside work, and which can ultimately affect one's mental health. This can include stress linked to using the public transport, managing the household, bringing up children, and so on.
Vacation strengthens our social ties
Taking a holiday is an opportunity for social and personal fulfilment. Employees, who are often consumed by their work, tend to allocate little or no time to their family and friends, which can be detrimental to their psychological well-being.
Going away on vacation helps us improve our relationship with our loved ones, offering them more time, and especially more quality time. This can concern couples, family, friends, children, etc.
Vacation allows you to get your dose of vitamin D
The sun is good for your health, as long as you protect your skin properly. Exposing your body to the sun for around ten minutes a day is enough to effectively absorb the sun's rays and produce vitamin D. Its role is to strengthen the bones and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure.
Several studies have highlighted the link between vitamin D and cognitive performance. However, further research is needed to understand more precisely its role in brain function.
According to statistics, about 60% of adults in the UK are considered to have insufficient levels of vitamin D, and 20% have a vitamin D deficiency.
Vacation is good for your heart
A Norwegian study followed more than 1,222 male volunteers in good health but with at least one risk factor for cardiovascular conditions (hypertension, smoking, excess weight, etc.) for 5 years, with the aim of measuring the effects of vacation on their long-term well-being.
The results of the study showed that men who took less than 21 days' holiday a year were 37% more likely to die prematurely than those who took more than 3 weeks' holiday a year.
In the conclusions of the study, the researchers state that, in addition to advice on having a healthier lifestyle (well-balanced diet, sufficient physical activity, stress management), it is important to combine it with vacation several times a year in order to effectively prevent cardiovascular disease in people at risk.
Vacation is good for our mental health
Going away on holiday gives the brain a chance to rest and, therefore, is beneficial to our mental health. It is very important to clear your head of all work-related problems and anxieties from time to time. It also helps you get back to work stronger, and in a better mental state, afterwards.
For people under constant stress, a holiday can reduce the risk of depression or burn-out.
A change of pace allows you to relax and, even if you don't go away for your holiday, it is important to put aside your daily chores for a while, or shift them around, so as not to repeat the usual routine.
Finally, on vacation we can do various activities which bring us pleasure and joy, such as discovering new places, having enough time for your hobbies, trying new experiences, spending quality time with your loved ones, and so on. This can improve your mood and make you happier.
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Take care!
Sources :
Les effets positifs des vacances sur la santé mentale, Monde du travail
Voici les effets positifs incroyables des vacances sur notre santé mentale, Futura
« Les vacances sont une coupure indispensable pour la santé mentale », Harmonie Santé
Les bienfaits des vacances sur la santé, Hélium
Les bienfaits des vacances sur la santé physique et psychique, Santé sur le net
Les vacances : se relaxer, se revigorer, se retrouver, Homewood Santé