

Number of organ donors reaches record high

Published 10 Apr 2018

Number of organ donors reaches record high

More than 1,500 people in the UK donated their organs after they died last year – the highest number ever recorded – figures from NHS Blood and Transplant show.

In the financial year 2017/18 there were 1,575 deceased donors during - an 11% increase on the previous financial year. There were 162 more deceased donors than the previous year, the highest year on year increase in 28 years.

Sally Johnson, NHS Blood and Transplant director of Organ Donation and Transplantation, said: “The increase in donations and transplants is made possible thanks to the generosity of donors and their families. It also reflects the hard work of all the NHS staff who make this incredible service possible. This year we asked clinicians to miss no opportunity to make a transplant happen and despite the pressures on the NHS they’ve responded magnificently.”

Fewer than 5,000 people per year die in circumstances where organ donation is possible.

“Our clinical leaders and specialist nurses have worked hard to reduce the number of missed referral opportunities by 28% this year. Now, 99% of potential donors through brain death are referred to us, and 89% of potential donors through circulatory death are referred to us,” she said.

“We need to stress that the deadly shortage of organ donors remains. Around three people who could benefit from a donated organ still die a day.”

She urged the public to tell their family that they are willing to donate and to join the NHS Organ Donor Register.

Around 24 million people are on the NHS Organ Donor Register.

Wales moved to a deemed consent ‘opt-out’ system in 2015, and both England and Scotland are planning similar legislation following consultations. Northern Ireland has confirmed that it will not be changing to an ‘opt-out’ system.


lesmal • Ambassador
on 10/04/2018

It is great to hear many people are donating their organs, but obviously many more are still and always will be needed. By being on the NHS Organ Donor Register you can save a life! Help another person survive; join the list today! 

on 16/04/2018

Has anyone joined this register? just curious

Unregistered member
on 16/04/2018

Yes, I have been on the register for years now. What I would like to know if there is an upper age limit for donating the organs. Would the organs of over 70 years of age be considered fit for transplanting? if any one has this information, I would like to know

Thank you


lesmal • Ambassador
on 18/04/2018

@nineteen_gale A useful question? I hadn't thought of age-related organ donation, and whether there might be an age limit. 

Unregistered member
on 18/04/2018


Thank you lesmal. I would like to know if there is an upper age limit up to when one ceases to be a donor. it would save the family a lot of grief if when they go to donate my organs as per my wishes, only to be told that I was too old for my organs to be used to save lives. I am 74 now. If any one has this information, I would be very grateful to receive the same, so that I can instruct my family accordingly.

I suppose I could ring the Organ Donor line myself to find this information.


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