

NHS weekend: 7-day GP opening 'unachievable'

Published 8 Sep 2015

NHS weekend: 7-day GP opening 'unachievable'

The goal of seven-day routine GP opening in England is unachievable in this Parliament and risks destabilising care, the Royal College of GPs says.

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Unregistered member
on 02/10/2015

@Karen56 - I would happily take weekend or evening appointments if they were on offer.

on 03/10/2015

@Suncatcher2015 so would I, and make life so much easier if they were available.

Unregistered member
on 26/10/2015

We have the same problem here at my surgery, though if you do get through on the telephone in the morning, should you want an appointment for that morning they offer you a triage call. It's all very well but how can you make a proper diagnosis over the telephone. I know it's to try & cut the drs workload down but 9 times out of 10 after you' ve spoken to the drs you land up having to go & see them anyway. So its a waste of everyone's time in my eyes. However we do have 2 late evening surgeries which does help a bit. 

on 29/10/2015

Hello Dappy571, nice to chat with you, sorry for the delay but I am rather behind with my emails, and so things are getting piled up.

Well how about this one, I rang for an Afternoon/Early Evening appointment with a doctor, she 'very helpfully,,,not offered me one at 7am??? or 7.10am??? for two separate days, so I ended up seeing a new doctor and although he did somethings, but offered me CBT instead of increasing my antidepressants, talking I end up getting bored, so will have to go and get a headache in the process,,,,,,

Triage is just an assessment of the treatment needed, it won't give any treatment, just as you say,,time wasting of the doctor's and your phone bill.  I pointed out that I have to fit the appointment around other things I have on the diary.  So mini prescription of treatment and go back in 10 days,,,, stress is really getting to me.

How about this for a bit of fun, and joke for passers by, i was going into asda and I was putting a letter into the post box and next thing I was going down to the floor, landing on the left knee and not doing myself any good!!! what a wednesday shopping trip this turned out to be,,,,,stiff aching knee that is stiffing up and making walking very difficult,,,,,good fun or what,,, ttfn from Karen.

on 29/03/2016

Hello to everybody,,,,it has been a while since i have been here,,,,catching up,,,,,slowly.

The doctors that I go to,,has now got late nights until 8pm,,on certain days,,,,and 7am on certain mornings,,how about this.   Going through the CBT thing,,and tried another antidepressant,,,seem good,,but now back with my old ones,,run out of new one.

My right knee is playing up at the moment.

ttfn from Karen.

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