Long work hours linked to diabetes in women
Published 12 Jul 2018

Women who work long hours have an increased risk of diabetes, a new study suggests.
Researchers found women who work more than 45 hours a week have a significantly higher risk of developing the disease.
But the same link was not found in men, according to the study published in the journal BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care.
The team of authors, from Canada and Australia, examined the working hours and the incidence of diabetes among more than 7,000 workers aged 35 to 74 in Ontario, Canada.
Researchers tracked participants, who were all actively working with no history of diabetes at the start of the study, for 12 years.
Women who worked long hours – more than 45 hours a week – had a 63% increased risk of developing diabetes compared with women working between 35 and 40 hours a week.
Long work hours did not increase the risk of developing diabetes among men.
They noted that previous research has indicated that long work hours can increase the tendency for unhealthy behaviours and also lead to poor mental health and sleep problems.
Meanwhile, a charity has warned the British public is “not taking diabetes seriously”.
The comments from Diabetes UK after a poll of 1,000 Britons found many were not able to name any of the dangerous complications associated with the disease.
Only a quarter were able to identify blindness or amputations as complications of diabetes.
Less than 10% were able to identify other complications including stroke, kidney damage, heart disease, a shorter life span or premature death.
Chris Askew, chief executive of Diabetes UK, said: “Losing a limb, eyesight or having a stroke is devastating and often life-changing. Many complications can be prevented or delayed so it is incredibly important that people with diabetes are vigilant and contact their GP as soon as possible if they have any concerns.”
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