Zoe Renshaw: “Suffering from Crohn’s Disease made me more determined to run the London Marathon”
Published 29 Feb 2016

Crohn’s disease sufferer Zoe Renshaw used to opt out of social activities and stay indoors because her symptoms would get her down. However, the strong-willed Littleborough woman decided that enough is enough, and is planning to run the London Marathon to raise money for others in her position.
Zoe has already raised over £5,000 for Crohn’s and Colitis UK, and is hoping to reach a £7,000 target for the charity before the epic run on 24 April.
The disease, she says, has kept her in her shell for way too long, and that running for a good cause has really helped her to feel better.
Zoe, who is also Chairwoman of the Ellenroad Engine House and an active member of both Littleborough and District Lions and LEAF, took on a previous marathon on 2014, and says she is more confident now to do a second.
She said: “A marathon is a tough challenge for anyone, even a person in full health, but for someone with a chronic disease it can be really tough.
“You hear runners joking about having a runners’ belly, where they’ll get sick or have stomach-related issues from excessive training; I have symptoms like that all the time so I suppose if you look at it like that I’m doing ok.
“I was really nervous before my first run because it was quite a big deal for me, but these days I’m a bit better in knowing what to expect.”
“Running has really helped me in a lot of ways. A few years ago I felt ashamed of my illness and would have embarrassing symptoms, and I wouldn’t go out as much. Doing this has helped me to feel better in general.”
Zoe started her Crohn's awareness campaign in 2013 setting up a support network online. Raising awareness of this, at times, socially excluding disease is something Zoe is passionate about.
She added: "Bowels is not something people want to talk about for obvious reasons and for many years I felt isolated like I was the only one. Since starting up 'Crohnies In Need' I have engaged with some wonderful people who have gone on to become close friends.”
Crohn's disease is a long-term condition that causes inflammation of the lining of the digestive system.
Inflammation can affect any part of the digestive system but most commonly occurs in the last section of the small intestine or the large intestine.
Rochdale Online
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