

Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis

Published 6 Feb 2015

Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis

Hye guys,

We recently found this interesting article about Psoriatic Arthritis and we want to share it with you and ask you what do you think?

I leave you the link here: Article

All the best

Gilda - your community manager


Unregistered member
on 28/03/2015

it was interesting and will be showing Ian my husband so he understands it a little more thank-you

Gilda • Community manager
on 30/03/2015

You are more than welcome! Always a pleasure to help you guys! 

All the Best,

Gilda - your community manager

Unregistered member
on 15/09/2015

Interesting reading.  Thanks for the link.

on 28/09/2016

Read this link found it interesting, thanks for sharing.

on 28/09/2016

Very interesting, I suffered from severe psoriasis for years and have been left with arthritis in most of my joints including my small bones in my hands and feet which have been diagnosed as psoriatic arthritis.  Wonder if I carry the gene!

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