Julien Mancini : member of the Science and Ethic Committee


Julien Mancini

Public Health Specialist

Former intern and resident at the Marseille Hospital Group, Dr. Mancini has a doctorate in Science on informing and the participation of patients in the diverse contextes for decision-making in oncology. Today he is the Master of University Conferences - Hospital Practitioner at the Universite d'Aix-Marseille, where he teaches epidemiology and bio statistics. He's also a member of the SESSTIM research unit ("Economic and Social Health Sciences & Medical Information Processing").

His principal research subjects concern cancer epidemiology, with for example cancer patient autonomy when making a decision or the long-term psychological impact of cancer.

Full disclosure: Doctor Julien Mancini works or has worked with companies in the health care sector. More information at: https://www.transparence.sante.gouv.fr/.

Created: 27/01/2020 - Updated: 27/01/2020

See scientific publications

Characteristics and information searched for by French patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: A web-community data-driven online survey

Adaptation and validation of the memorial anxiety scale for prostate cancer (MAX-PC) in a sample of French men.

Do early luteal serum progesterone levels predict the reproductive outcomes in IVF with oral dydrogesterone for luteal phase support?

Validation of French versions of the Facial Disability Index and the Facial Clinimetric Evaluation Scale, specific quality of life scales for peripheral facial palsy patients.