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- Uterine Prolapse Repair.
Uterine Prolapse Repair.
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Last activity on 15/07/2024 at 09:21
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@GLOJO1 Hi Glojo,
Thank you for sharing, that seems quite difficult. Are there any other women who have suffered similarly? Do you have any advice or experiences?
@Maggie-mae @Tigger.co.uk @Lynntrafford54 @wednesday @nineteen_gale @Izzyjamal @alicat @Trudij @millerkaren @Yank34 @weefeemcdee @WinterSky @Vange1 @Tchai44 @VICKICOFFEY @Phila81 @Pippadog
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Last activity on 03/01/2021 at 11:10
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35 comments posted | 2 in the Women's Health group
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Hi everyone, I was just wondering if any of our members have had a Prolapse repair.Sometimes it's hard to talk about personal things like this but I think it's easier to text about them.I had my 1st Son when I was 19, my 2nd Son when I was 21,my 3rd Son when I was 26.I wanted another baby because I wanted to try for a little Girl. But Gynaecologist said it wasn't possible, i wouldn't be able to carry another baby. He said my womb was very unhealthy and I ended up having a hysterectomy. I was fine for a few years and then the trouble started. The Prolapse hadn't just brought my bladder down but it was bringing my bowel down as well. So I ended up having a big Prolapse repair operation. Great for a few years but things started to drop again. They couldn't do another repair because it would have to have involved my lower spine and as i have Osteoporosis, they couldn't do it. So they asked me if I would try a pessary, and that is what we have been doing. I have the pessary changed every 4 months. Now for the past few months I've been getting real bad pain right along my lower abdomen. I don't know if it's because of the Fibromyalgia, or if it's to do with what the Consultants at the Hospital think i might have (pancreatic cancer) or if it's to do with the pessary itself. I don't want to go on about it at the hospital because I'm having enough tests as it is. and I dont want to have to go through all the Gynae stuff again. My GPS are having a big changeover and every time you go to see a Doctor,they are locums and haven't got a clue about you're medical history.When my Husband took me to see my G.P 2 month ago because I was in agony with my tummy, he just waved his hand and said (never mind your stomach, they can take care of that,) meaning the hospital. He was more interested in taking medication off me.But if he had looked at the screen in front of him, he would have seen that I wasn't on some of the medication that he was going on about .Anyway, ,part of my stomach problem is an enlarged liver, blocked bile duct, gallstones ,,cyst on the pancreas ,large mixed Haitus hernia and umbilical hernia. You see everyone, this is why I really don't want to involve Gynae if i can help it. So if any of our ladies have had the same trouble and pain down below that I have and have found a way to help relieve it. Please let me know, I would be so grateful. Take care everyone and God Bless from Glojo xx
ad my 1 st Son when.