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Patients Depression
Coping .. or lack thereof.
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Unregistered member
Hi there
I think this is a very good place to start and writing this post is also good. Putting into words and getting it clear in your head what the issues are, is always a good place to start.
I did an exercise - I used Excel but it could be done on paper too - I made columns headed 'The Problem' 'Desired Outcome' 'Can I Influence' (this was a yes/no column) 'Steps to take' (a bigger field for a list)
I put every problem down in the problems list - even small ones like the bulb needed changing and my husband was too ill and I can't climb steps because of my arthritis. Every little niggle, right trough to the major issues. I then went down the column and put what I wanted to happen in an ideal world in the 'Desired Outcome' column. So, my husband to get better, right down to the light bulb to get changed - big and small, the solution I WANTED and WISHED FOR, went in here. Then I went down the 'Can I influence it' column and put in an honest yes or no. It was quite surprising just how many things that I was stressing and freaking over, I was totally unable to change, no matter what I did. Those that remained, I wrote a list of small steps to achieve the 'Desired Outcome'. The light bulb for instance, ring my son and ask him to come and do it - simple really, but in my anxious and overwhelmed state, such a simple answer was quite outside my sphere of comprehension. When I just concentrated on it alone to put something in the box, the answer was glaringly simple! I won't for a moment pretend they were all as simple as that, far from it. I think the longest list had nearly 20 points - 20 small steps to achieve 'Desired Outcome'. What I did find, was that by concentrating on things I could fix or influence and taking them one step at a time, I got less anxious over those that I couldn't fix and could have no possible influence over. In time, I added another column, to record things I could do to improve by any degree those issues I couldn't fix or change completely. Again, some of these were zero, but some had a few steps that could be taken to make a bad situation just a little bit better. If nothing else, I felt in control again, rather than a victim, being tossed this way and that by fate and what it dealt me.
Don't know if this will help, or even be appropriate for you, I guess it is not for everyone, but I found it invaluable.
Best wishes to you and keep the faith
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Unregistered member
Hi there,
I'm new to this site and said I'd say hey! I'm 26 and basically 2015 has been the hardest year so far. I really just don't know how to cope anymore. Every month seems to bring more bad news. Every way I turn there seems to be something else bad happening.
I've lost my job. Lost my house. My dad got diagnosed with cancer and is currently undergoing treatment. Money issues.. to name but a few. .. My anxiety is on overdrive. Every little thing is getting to me. I feel like I can't talk to my family about it as they're under so much stress already. I try to talk to my boyfriend about it but as much as he tries he doesn't understand and doesn't know how to react. It's putting an added strain on our relationship. I can't help freaking out about every little thing.
I have no permanent home at the moment so I'm going between friends and parents. When I'm staying with my boyfriend for a few days I feel guilty I'm not with my dad and go to stay with him. But when I'm with my dad I miss my boyfriend and get overwhelmed way too easy.
This isn't very well stated. It's not even half of what I'm going through or how I'm feeling. Right now my mind is all over the place. I just don't know what to do. I don't know how to stop it. I don't know where to turn to. I don't know how to stop all the anxiety, freaking out and crying all the time. Tbh all I feel like doing is getting away from everyone and everything. I'm not sure what I'm expecting to achieve by writing this/joining this site. I just need SOMEWHERE to get my feelings out and thought this might be a good place to start!