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- Should the WHO remain a key player in global health?
Should the WHO remain a key player in global health?
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Last activity on 25/03/2025 at 14:14
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An interesting topic to discuss.
I don't think pulling funds away or out of the WHO would help anyone, no matter what the circumstances are. Everyone needs medical support in many ways, some more than others.
Our National Health System here in UK and Northern Ireland is in crisis due to lack of funding and several other aspects, and is in total need of repair. Don't take what little funding is available away!
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Hello everyone, how are you doing today? 😊
The role of the World Health Organization (WHO) in managing global health crises has come under scrutiny in recent years. Critics argue that the WHO has been slow to act during major emergencies like COVID-19, and some feel reforms are overdue. However, supporters believe that pulling back funding or withdrawing entirely from the WHO could weaken global health coordination, leaving countries, including the UK, more vulnerable to pandemics and other health threats.
The UK is one of the largest contributors to the WHO and relies on its efforts for global vaccination programs, disease surveillance, and guidance on health policies. But with the increasing pressure on public budgets, some are asking: is the WHO delivering enough value?
What are your thoughts? Do you think the WHO plays a critical role in protecting global health, including here in the UK?
Should governments push harder for reforms in organizations like the WHO?
What would happen if countries reduced their funding or pulled out entirely?
@Karen56 @Karenlesley @KarenS @Karenst @Karfew @katebes @katherinebhana4 @kathryn.bermingham @kathy1959 @KatieD @katlin @katrinalove @katz38 @Katzie @KayGoodchild @Kazzythompson2013 @KeanuReeves1 @KearaJackson @keithcornish @Kelvin @Kent0956 @kerlybrowman @kiki2595 @Kimbad1990 @kingpaul @kirstw @kishti @KLC1955 @KPangela @Kyleigh.J @L10exy @lacemaker @laceytree @Lack1512 @ladyann @ladybear1 @Ladygolferblue @ladylou @laineyuk @lancsman @laney365 @LanSmith @lar123 @Larara @LarbreckLady @larraine11 @LaurenMckillopx @LaurieLee @lawissa @LeeBee @Leekat @Leislei @lekor111 @Lenniep @leosmith317 @LesJ57 @lesmal @LifeDelineator @LilA2525 @lillypink @lily_mary @lilyofthevalley @Lilywebb2001 @limsonbros @linda Reilly @Linda5 @LindaandZoe @LindaBlacker @lindajennings231256 @Lindawhite1963 @lindawotsup54 @Linzyinmk @lisah1972 @lisamarker90 @lisawebb19 @Littlebo @littlejackie @littleman @Liz Gray @Lizoid @Loonylou @LotasCA @Louise84 @Luckie1 @lululips @Lwlxmo3 @LyndaLow @LynneC @Lynnes @lynningham @Lynnmack @Lynsey @m.hol443 @Yank34 @mikebpool @mr chipps @richard0804 @robjmckinney @lacemaker @Mrs E Larkin @JazzyC @Pippadog @RobertLondon @Raythebaker @sophiesmum
Let’s discuss! Your insights might help clarify how people feel about this topic. 💬
Take care,
Somya from the Carenity team 🌼