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Unregistered member
Hello everyone,
Have you ever heard of the Chia seed? It is known to be one of the healthiest foods you can add to your diet. As tiny as sesame and pretty much tasteless, you can add it to anything.
Here are a few nutritional benefits.
One ounce (28grams) contains:
11 grams of fibre.
4 grams of protein.
9 grams of fat (although 5 of which are Omega-3s).
18% of the RDA of calcium.
Add it to your porridge in the morning for a filling, healthy breakfast, sprinkle it on your salad for lunch or make a chia pudding for dessert.
If you want to learn more about the chia seed, read here
All the best,
Unregistered member
I always drink a big glass of water before digging in to my food (and articularly my snacks). I feel less hungry after drinking a lot of water :)
Also, try and brush your teeth if you are in the mood for something sweet. It often takes away the desire
Unregistered member
What do you think about carb counting? Some people swear by it and others find it too difficult to ever consider it.
Here are some easy pointers to learn how to count carbs.
Unregistered member
I make sure to have 5 meals a day: Breakfast, lunch and dinner and then two snacks in between. This helps me keep my blood sugar stabile, so I am not craving things. Because once I start craving, I know it's the unhealthy things I want
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Unregistered member
Hello everyone,
December is the season for lovely sweets and cookies, hot chocolate, mulled wine and many feasts. For that reason January is often used to start a diet.
This discussion group is for you who are missing some inspiration/ motivation to start that diet - and stick to it, and for you who wish to share your ideas and tips.
You can post recipes (remember that we also have an actual recipe section here on Carenity. You can find it here), exercises, tips on do's and don't's, advice on alternatives to your favourite sweets, etc.
All the best to you all,