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Auto-Immune Disease - Liver
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Hi. I am under a Dermatologist because I am on Biological Drugs (injections) for Psoriasis. Have been using these now for nearly 4 years, during this time my LFT blood tests have been steadily rising. My Dermatologist sent me for a Fibroscan and the results showed I have got Fibrosis - so, I was referred to see a Liver Specialist, I have got an appointment to see the Liver Specialist in June. I have blood tests done every 3 months to check on my LFT and my Ferritin Levels (I'm Aneamic also) just recently had a blood test on Monday and now got to have my LFT 're-done because it indicated it was 'Abnormal'. What I would like to know is: What is Fibrosis? And can it be treated? If so, by what method? Thank You in advance.
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Last activity on 14/04/2021 at 14:05
Joined in 2016
34 comments posted | 2 in the Hepatitis and liver diseases Forum
Good Advisor
Fibrosis is liver damage, the liver can fuction, is it starts to stuggle,Ferritn is your do do with your Iron stores. I have srevere liver diease & adomas,which are non cancerous tumors. I to have problems with Anemia, & have had to have Iron infusions,same as blood tansfusions, but only the Iron,LFT is liver fuction, the test checks how well your liver is working, I know all this from reserching my conditon,my Gp is good & explains anything I don"t understand. The british liver trust is a good website to used or any NHS websites. Please be careful as you don"t want to scare yourself, I know how your mind can go over board! Not sure how Fibrosis is treated, I think it is Just monited. I hope I have been some helped! It is very scarey! Do you get pain after food? coz I do, I have to take tramdol & sometimes Morphine if is really bad it is always worse in the eveing & sometimes starts without food in the late afternoon! I haven"t been able to get much information on this! Mapleleaf I am not sure what your condtion is,something to do with your imume system, have a look on the British liver trust website,it find the site quite helpful.
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A Pulford

Unregistered member
Since my last posting on 5/3/16. Have had Abdominal Ultrasound Scan - they found a "Blockage" to my Liver Artery, so had a MRI Liver Scan with Contrast - and now I am told No Blockage to Liver Artery, however I am now to have A Liver Biopsy Procedure - just waiting for the appointment. When I questioned Liver Specialist about the "blockage" to the Liver Artery his reply was it was the way my Anatomy is that showed up a Blockage. OK, so why? Am I having to have a Liver Biopsy? Also been put on Diuretics because I have Ascites now = fluid collecting in my Abdoman as well as Odema in my legs = wonder why? Any advice would be welcome. Thanks.

Unregistered member
Hi. Had a Liver Biopsy 3 weeks ago, and went to see the Liver Specialist last week to get my diagnosis. I have Fibrosis (scarring) of the Liver and NAFLD. The scarring is there to stay but I can halt it from getting worse and the NAFLD = Well, told to follow a Low Fat, Low Sugar and Low Salt Diet, loose another 1 stone in weight (only weigh 13 stone exact at the moment). A fellow member on a Diabetic Forum took Milk Thistle tablets for 6 months and cleared his NAFLD, so I began taking the tablets 4 days ago and started my low fat diet. Watch this space......
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Hello everyone, I am new to this so I apologise if this comes across as weird and if I haven't worded it properly. I was just told yesterday that it looks like I have Auto-Immune Disease of the Liver and I wasn't too sure what that meant, what treatment there is for it and if it gets better. I was told it wasn't life threatening but what I am reading on-line it says different. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you so much. Leslie